my newest tattoo!

omg fayden! your tattoo looks so awesome! i was/am still thinking about getting one on my wrist but a little higher than yours! Ok, thanks so much letting me know it hurts :-\ i might really think about it.... it looks so cool!!!!!!! good on ya!!!!!!!!!! yeah your tattooist is a not a bad looker!!!
that is one of the best ideas for a tattoo i've ever seen! i loved angels and demons and while i was reading it i thought it would make amazing framed art....but you get to wear it on your body!! very nice.
Looks great, excellent idea for a tattoo.

I'm such a puss when it comes to needles. Definitely wouldn't let someone come that close to my artery with a shart implement.
That is really pretty!
OK, now, you and Ayla are going to have to show me like a 5 year old....
WHAT is missing? I saw where you said the on the downward facing I, and I have looked and looked and looked some more, and I don't see it???
Driving me NUTS, (a short put, as my DH would say)
Compare the tattoo with the picture underneath. On the letter A on the bottom right hand part, just above the diamond, there should be a little point on the left.