Why the Tiffany Bashing?

The LV incident was even WORSE than the Service Bureau incident.

Another plus for Tiffany: they sell plain metal wedding bands. And the SAs don't stare at you like you have two heads because you don't want a wedding band with pave diamonds. Out of all of the local shops, the only one with a pleasant experience was Heffern. The rest kept trying to tell me that I wanted a diamond band, that's all they are carrying... At least the T & Co. employees show you what you actually ask for.
Well I am glad to read that SOMEONE here had a good experience at Heffern. You might actually be the first person to say that you had a good experience there! I noticed that based on how high up the social ladder you are, the prices change. If he thinks you're riffraff, the same ring you can get elsewhere is 2k more. Easily.

I do like that Tiffany's plain bands aren't horribly out of line price-wise actually. I did consider actually ordering a plain band online to go with this set if I don't like the spacer. If nothing else I think the outer curve of a Lucida might match the curve of the Vatche. But that might be an online purchase and less of a "get abused in the mall" kind of experience.

I did great at the Michigan Ave location in Chicago. I wish it was more convenient than 5 hours away!

Oh the Service Bureau...I bet you and I can commisserate on that one. That place...*sigh*. I design invites and stationery. I am not a moron, and when I catch you lying to me about paper, I will make sure everyone in your store at the time overhears me schooling you on why you are wrong and why maybe you shouldn't be in business if you don't know your product or customer.

"Maybe you should just look online." OH YES HE DID.

Needless to say his family was angry with my Pretty Woman treatment at high falutin' no where anyone outside of St. Louis has heard of Frontenac store.
I would guess so! What a MORON.

I don't mean to sound crass but, dude, YOU WORK RETAIL. YOU ARE NOT THE KEEPER OF THE HOPE DIAMOND, YOU SELL PURSES TO PEOPLE. GET OVER YOURSELF. I want to say that to every person working in those stores there. Just because you work in Frontenac doesn't make you special. It means you need to work harder than you do to make your customers--the ones with the cash--want to buy something from you. *breaks stuff*
This has come up a few times in this thread, so, not to pick on Alice87 ... but I actually think that the whole "you're just jealous!" argument actually undermines the value of arguments in favor of Tiffany's. I criticize certain aspects of Tiffany's because I think a few of their business practices are sketchy. Guys, you more or less invented the 6-prong setting: leave the poor bezel setting alone, grabby, and, for the love of Mike, stop torturing the English language! "Bezet," indeed ... what's worse is, I've seen people talking about generic bezel settings call them bezet-inspired. It makes my eyeballs bleed. Occasionally, I'll point out the mark-up to somebody who's bought the "Tiffany's is the best!" advertising hook, line, and sinker, or, if dealing with a guy, ask if he's certain his lady-love would prefer the blue box over, say, another half-carat. And, I can see why people say that if they were buying for brand cachet, they'd go with Cartier or HW above Tiffany's: Tiff's diluted their name for mass-market appeal with their more affordable lines. But, outside of a few of those status-conscious customers, it doesn't seem to have hurt them any.

But none of that has anything to do with jealousy, and hearing that accusation just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. It extends the part of Tiffany's advertising that irks me most, that they're "the best!" according to some abstract standard, which, hey, no. They make nice things, but they ain't no JAR. And that's not bashing - just an observation that taste in jewelry is subjective, which Tiff's has managed to bull-doze with the success of their near-century long advertising campaign. I can admire their success at the same time that seeing it echoed by individuals gets my back up, right?
Wow, I'm shocked to hear about all these rude experiences some of you ladies have had with SAs.

I've been a fan of Tiffany since I was a teenager. Started out with the silver, went on to acquire many diamond/white/platinum pieces as I got older. I wanted to purchase my e-ring from Tiffany until I fell in love with HW Micropave. I'm still unengaged, but maybe one day, it will become a reality! Fingers crossed lol :tender:

The members of my family all have nice homes, cars, furniture, take nice vacations, etc. But when it comes to branded jewelry, they just don't swing that way.

They think it is "stupid" to spend so much just because of a branded setting/diamond. Obviously, the same stone can be purchased elsewhere for less, but to me the setting, craftsmanship, legacy, heirloom quality of the whole design is what draws me in.

I think its one of those things that you either buy into, or you don't. I know IF my bf and I ever get a HW e-ring, we will be judged until the cows come home. They have already been judgmental because they know thats what I want, I can only imagine how bad it will get if it becomes a reality.

I think it is beyond rude and hurtful, because I honestly dislike everyone's rings in my own family. I can just as easily say, I hate your cheap, non-branded ring, your setting is clunky and poorly made and your diamond is dull.

I have seen many non-branded e-rings that are beyond beautiful, so I realize it you can own a breathtaking custom made e-ring. That's why its best to just let everyone do what is comfortable for them. No reason for non-branded ring owners to call, for example, Tiffany ring owners stupid and assume they don't KNOW that they spent more because its a Tiffany. Everyone has their own reasons for making the decisions they make. Whose to say who is right and who is wrong?
Hekate, I agree with you that the "they're just jealous" trumpet gets blown a bit too often. People have different ways they want to spend their money, and everyone feels a bit too free to offer their opinions on personal decisions.

They think it is "stupid" to spend so much just because of a branded setting/diamond. Obviously, the same stone can be purchased elsewhere for less, but to me the setting, craftsmanship, legacy, heirloom quality of the whole design is what draws me in.

I think its one of those things that you either buy into, or you don't. I know IF my bf and I ever get a HW e-ring, we will be judged until the cows come home. They have already been judgmental because they know thats what I want, I can only imagine how bad it will get if it becomes a reality.

I get that family judgments can be hurtful :flowers: but I have to say -- if the purchase is worth it to you, why not just tell them so? I get the same thing from my family, and my response is generally something like, "you're so kind to concern yourself with my financial decisions. If I ever need a loan, you'll be the first person I call." Everyone laughs and we all move on to a new topic.

I guess I just don't care what other people say. What I buy is worth it to me, and no one can make me feel like a fool without my permission.
Hekate, I agree with you that the "they're just jealous" trumpet gets blown a bit too often. People have different ways they want to spend their money, and everyone feels a bit too free to offer their opinions on personal decisions.

I get that family judgments can be hurtful :flowers: but I have to say -- if the purchase is worth it to you, why not just tell them so? I get the same thing from my family, and my response is generally something like, "you're so kind to concern yourself with my financial decisions. If I ever need a loan, you'll be the first person I call." Everyone laughs and we all move on to a new topic.

I guess I just don't care what other people say. What I buy is worth it to me, and no one can make me feel like a fool without my permission.

Well, the issue is that I'm the youngest in my family. My brother and all my cousins are older, so I assume they are trying to "guide" us, etc. They feel that my bf and I are being "unwise" to purchase branded watches, jewelry and handbags. I have been into luxury goods for as long as I remember and they are not surprised one bit that I would naturally want my e-ring to be branded. But to think that I don't know what I'm doing is insulting. I don't feel foolish, if I had I would have caved in years ago and carried non-designer handbags and no-name watches, etc. I wear them with pride, I get dirty looks, but I don't care. I continue.

Its not a huge topic of conversation by any means, and I do always just laugh it off and say things like "you know me, I love my designers, what did you expect" and they all laugh. Its mostly said and done in good fun, nothing confrontational. I guess I just don't like the undertone of thinking what I'm doing is "wrong" and the way they all went is "right". I don't bash their non-designer rings, so why bash my "future" e-ring? :shrugs:

ETA: Forgot to say, I definitely do tell them that the designer prices are worth it to me, because *I* can tell the difference. They understand, but they discount it at the same time and say there is not much of a difference at all and that I'm just being brainwashed by marketing.
Well, the issue is that I'm the youngest in my family. My brother and all my cousins are older, so I assume they are trying to "guide" us, etc. They feel that my bf and I are being "unwise" to purchase branded watches, jewelry and handbags.

ME TOO! I do feel your pain. :flowers: I'm just older now, and have developed a thicker skin.

And I do think it's important to strike a balance between savings and luxury goods. If you tell them you have savings and planning for other, non-luxury things covered, they should respect that. You could also keep quiet about where you buy things.

But, I'm not sure it's really "Tiffany bashing" if people are just pointing out that Tiffany charges a high markup for the brand and all it represents. It's just a fact. Some are willing to pay more for the peace of mind, quality of setting, or whatever, and others aren't.
ME TOO! I do feel your pain. :flowers: I'm just older now, and have developed a thicker skin.

And I do think it's important to strike a balance between savings and luxury goods. If you tell them you have savings and planning for other, non-luxury things covered, they should respect that. You could also keep quiet about where you buy things.

But, I'm not sure it's really "Tiffany bashing" if people are just pointing out that Tiffany charges a high markup for the brand and all it represents. It's just a fact. Some are willing to pay more for the peace of mind, quality of setting, or whatever, and others aren't.

Being the baby of the family can be a blessing and a curse. :P

Definitely agree with striking a balance! In this economy it would certainly be unwise to have a weak savings and no investments, etc.

I'm also NOT the type to flaunt the things I buy, or what the price is, brand is, etc. Unless there is a logo and they can see for themselves. I rarely, if ever, discuss shopping or purchases with my family members because we simply have different tastes and interests. They DO ask me about my bags, watches, and jewelry however. Its hard to be around your family and hide your purchases and interests. I also don't think I should have to just to fit in, to be honest. We should all be able to discuss the things we like without feeling judged or bashed. I don't bash their 10k trips, I'm personally not a trip person. I wouldn't expect them to hide their trips from me because I don't agree multiple 5-10K trips a year aren't exactly "wise?" :nogood:

Yeah, I agree. I don't think its Tiffany bashing either. Just designer bashing in general. :amuse:
Update: Stopped into my local Tiffany this afternoon after running errands in the suburbs. I had a SA take my ring for cleaning and initially he said, "It will be $15 but I'll take it back so you won't have to wait." After about two seconds, he looked at my ring in their velvet portfolio and exclaimed, "Oh! Your ring isn't silver. It's beautiful! No, of course cleaning is complimentary!"

Despite the crowd at CS, I waited like a minute. The SA came out from the back and kept gushing over my ring. On my way out, another male SA complimented me on my LV Sprouse speedy. I made a point to compliment the staff and told them that they actually are the only store in the mall I find to be welcoming.

I stopped by the Williams-Sonoma to look at some cutlery and the lady helping me was SO nice. I had lucked out today!
I've definitely read some Tiffany bashing comments on this forum, which is why I won't post pics of my Tiffany jewelry anymore. I just don't want to deal with it. Other forums are worse, but I've seen it here for sure.

I love all my pieces and if we paid a premium, frankly so what? I do the same with my bags and shoes all the time, at least I can resell platinum/diamonds/gold if I ever want to.

What I've never understood is why Cartier doesn't get the same treatment for something like their trinity collection or love bracelets, not to mention their diamond ring markup. Ditto for VCA. The markup for both those brands vs. "value" is also very high.
You sure did!!! Why would they think your ring was silver!? It's a Tiffany threestone eng ring, is it not?!

I don't think he really looked at it. Since I'm 5'1" and 94lbs, my 2ctw three stone e-ring looks like a very wide band on me from a distance. I think he was frazzled by the long line of customers waiting for silver... There were only 2 people actually looking at jewelry to purchase. The rest were sitting at CS.

Once he saw my ring in the velvet portfolio, he got it.

I had mentioned that I thought a piece of fiber/thread (I work with clothing) got under one of my prongs and he made a point to tell me that he not only steamed it BUT also put it in their ultrasonic and looped it for me. SO nice!
I hate that you or others won't share for fear of Tiffany's "bashing" :sad:
I'm not a big Tiffany's fan, but I completely get why people love them, it's just a matter of opinion or preference. I have a few pieces.
Please reconsider posting pics :tender: Surely when people are sharing there's no bashing{?} I think I've only seen the real honesty about whether people like it or not in threads where opinions are being solicited{?}