Why the Tiffany Bashing?

I've definitely read some Tiffany bashing comments on this forum, which is why I won't post pics of my Tiffany jewelry anymore. I just don't want to deal with it. Other forums are worse, but I've seen it here for sure.

I love all my pieces and if we paid a premium, frankly so what? I do the same with my bags and shoes all the time, at least I can resell platinum/diamonds/gold if I ever want to.

What I've never understood is why Cartier doesn't get the same treatment for something like their trinity collection or love bracelets, not to mention their diamond ring markup. Ditto for VCA. The markup for both those brands vs. "value" is also very high.

Its your money. We all spend money on stuff others would think is a waste. Who should care?

I would buy Tiffany, Cartier, etc in a second (and have) at the auction houses. In fact I will buy them over a no name item just cause I know when I get tired of it, the auction houses will take it back.

The world loves Cartier & they are more well know, maybe that is why they are held to a higher regard.
I think of Cartier as a higher end item than a Tiffany and mostly due to the Silver side of Tiffany. I honestly think they cheapened their brand significantly with all of that.

But not sharing because you're worried about anyone commenting on it, that's saddening me. This entire board should be free to show off our buys without worrying about a snide remark.
Its your money. We all spend money on stuff others would think is a waste. Who should care?

I would buy Tiffany, Cartier, etc in a second (and have) at the auction houses. In fact I will buy them over a no name item just cause I know when I get tired of it, the auction houses will take it back.

The world loves Cartier & they are more well know, maybe that is why they are held to a higher regard.
Thanks to everyone for posting their comments. Again, to clarify, I really don't see any Tiffany bashing on this specific board at all. Quite the opposite. I think everyone is nice and respectful. No one should be afraid to post their Tiffany items here- that's what this community is for!

I posted here just due to that fact, there seem to be alot of Tiffany owners and I wanted their perspective on the issue in general. My friends IRL mostly have non branded rings.

I see it as bashing when (as happens frequently on some of the wedding boards), women post their Tiffany replica moissanite rings and gloat how that have exactly the same item for a small fraction of the price, and isn't everyone who owns a Tiffany ering an idiot. The conversation goes on for pages and pages of venom. It really is amazing.

They also seem to have conversations on how everyone who owns a diamond is socially irresponsible in general, but I won't go there. =)

I will be happy when I am done with my MOH duties so I can get off those wedding boards, thats for sure.
Thanks to everyone for posting their comments. Again, to clarify, I really don't see any Tiffany bashing on this specific board at all. Quite the opposite. I think everyone is nice and respectful. No one should be afraid to post their Tiffany items here- that's what this community is for!

I posted here just due to that fact, there seem to be alot of Tiffany owners and I wanted their perspective on the issue in general. My friends IRL mostly have non branded rings.

I see it as bashing when (as happens frequently on some of the wedding boards), women post their Tiffany replica moissanite rings and gloat how that have exactly the same item for a small fraction of the price, and isn't everyone who owns a Tiffany ering an idiot. The conversation goes on for pages and pages of venom. It really is amazing.

They also seem to have conversations on how everyone who owns a diamond is socially irresponsible in general, but I won't go there. =)

I will be happy when I am done with my MOH duties so I can get off those wedding boards, thats for sure.

I'm planning my own wedding and can attest that it's definitely a mob mentality sometimes and it gets brutal when it comes down to jewelry and diamonds and rings. People love to pounce on people for sharing diamonds stats and that's in general, not even from Tiffanys. I see a lot of "i don't a diamond because it's unethical" "diamonds are a waste of money" etc etc.

And to the previous poster. Please share in your tiffany love here. I don't THINK i see too much bashing when it's sharing a new item. Most of the time I see it when people are asking for suggestions and not so much would i consider it bashing than I would just trying to let the person be able to have more options. Example, just look at all the love the soleste has gotten here and there is a huge yellow diamond tiffany following here.
I see it as bashing when (as happens frequently on some of the wedding boards), women post their Tiffany replica moissanite rings and gloat how that have exactly the same item for a small fraction of the price, and isn't everyone who owns a Tiffany ering an idiot. The conversation goes on for pages and pages of venom. It really is amazing.

They also seem to have conversations on how everyone who owns a diamond is socially irresponsible in general, but I won't go there. =)

I think there are some people who genuinely believe a diamond is irresponsible. Others might view diamonds as just another stone and why not choose a stone they like better. Others fall for the whole "from the stars" bit which is crazy because moissanite IS MAN MADE. Now someone might really rather have a synthetic/simulate, and if they are OK with that, well then fine. But I think that those people rarely try to pass their rings off as the real thing. I know someone with a Moissanite and she genuinely doesn't buy into the diamond trend. She is happy with her choice but openly tells people about her ring out of pride.
But then there are others who might really want a large clear stone and be unable to afford the diamond of their dreams. They might really talk themselves out of an actual diamond in efforts to comfort themselves. Reading enough "from the stars" and "diamonds are irresponsible" and blah blah blah..they might come to make that their own motto as well. I have a feeling why you see those posts so much on those boards, they are all feeding into comforting one another.
I think there are some people who genuinely believe a diamond is irresponsible. Others might view diamonds as just another stone and why not choose a stone they like better. Others fall for the whole "from the stars" bit which is crazy because moissanite IS MAN MADE. Now someone might really rather have a synthetic/simulate, and if they are OK with that, well then fine. But I think that those people rarely try to pass their rings off as the real thing. I know someone with a Moissanite and she genuinely doesn't buy into the diamond trend. She is happy with her choice but openly tells people about her ring out of pride.
But then there are others who might really want a large clear stone and be unable to afford the diamond of their dreams. They might really talk themselves out of an actual diamond in efforts to comfort themselves. Reading enough "from the stars" and "diamonds are irresponsible" and blah blah blah..they might come to make that their own motto as well. I have a feeling why you see those posts so much on those boards, they are all feeding into comforting one another.

What do they mean from the stars? :confused1:
I believe people have ethical issues with diamonds when they are wearing neither diamonds nor diamond simulants. I have a friend who believes diamonds are 'blood diamonds' and I don't think this is necessarily true (I buy my diamonds either used or with companies that take care to convince me they are conflict free)--but I respect that she does think so because she wears only silver jewelry with no stones.

I would have a doubt that she really was concerned about only ethics if she was wearing a 1.5 to 2 carat moissanite or Asha in an expensive setting, asking me not to tell anyone that her stone was not real, and continually asking if it looked 'realistic' (which is obvious code for 'will people think it's a diamond?'.

Which is what I see a lot on those above mentioned boards.

ON the other hand, it is not my business to care about these people's opinions or to convince them that they are wrong. Nor do I have to listen to wha they say about people who own diamonds. Fortunately I do not know them in real life, so all I have to do to not be stressed by their opinions is not to go to their board, or not open the posts on that subject. And if I did know them in real life, I would tell them to shut up and leave me alone very forcefully. This is what some of you may have to do eventually with people in real life who bash your choice of Tiffany. Of course, you should not start off this way. But you could ask politely what your financial choices have to do with them--even if they are a parent, you are an adult and it's time for them to quit.
Of course, if your financial choices DO have something to do with them, you have a problem that I cannot give advice about. It does happen that people use their credit cards for Tiffany, then find that they cannot pay the bill and ask for loans--or buy an engagement ring and then can't afford some other necessity which they are demanding from their parents--

20 years ago when my brother got married, he bought his fiance a wonderful engagement ring, very expensive--and then they moved in my mother for two years because he had no more money left for an apartment, much less house downpayment or anything like that. They lived in the back bedroom and she had trouble getting them to chip in for groceries. In that case, my mother had a perfect right to say and keep saying (which she did) that she felt he had made unwise choices and that he could not actually afford the ring.
What do they mean from the stars? :confused1:

Mineral moissanite was discovered by Henri Moissan while examining rock samples from a meteor crater located in Canyon Diablo, Arizona, in 1893. At first, he mistakenly identified the crystals as diamonds, but in 1904 he identified the crystals as silicon carbide.[4][5] The mineral form of silicon carbide was named moissanite in honor of Moissan later on in his life.

It's VERY rare in nature. All jewelery Moissanite is man made.
Its your money. We all spend money on stuff others would think is a waste. Who should care?

I would buy Tiffany, Cartier, etc in a second (and have) at the auction houses. In fact I will buy them over a no name item just cause I know when I get tired of it, the auction houses will take it back.

The world loves Cartier & they are more well know, maybe that is why they are held to a higher regard.

I love the vintage pieces! My most expensive Tiffany item was second hand and I know we could get what we paid for a it a few years ago easily. Cartier to me had the best pieces in the deco era, but they are pretty pricey for the ones I covet. I really should look into an auction pieces since I'm in the market for a new baby celebration present (push present just sounds so odd to me).
TBH I haven't really seen Tiffany bashing, but I don't frequent other forums.

I have a couple Tiffany pieces, but do find some pieces to be over priced. As for their engagement rings, they have some gorgeous styles. For the price, I personally would want a better and larger gem than buying for the name, in terms of an engagement ring.
(you can't see the engraved Tiffany on the ring, unless you take it off).

Ultimately, like what most have answered, we all spend money where we see fit. If spending more money on a Tiffany ring is what you like, by all means go for it! Whatever floats your boat!
There is a difference in stores. The store where I live is rude as heck. Like really ignorant.

SKphotoimages: Oh my gosh, this just HAS to be at Frontenac Plaza. I was there for the first time today, and not only was it mayhem, the SA turned suddenly and inexplicably nasty on me, even though I ended up spending money. I walked out thinking WTH? Maybe I'm crazy, but out of all the zillions of Tiffany stores, I'm willing to bet we're talking about the same one!
SKphotoimages: Oh my gosh, this just HAS to be at Frontenac Plaza. I was there for the first time today, and not only was it mayhem, the SA turned suddenly and inexplicably nasty on me, even though I ended up spending money. I walked out thinking WTH? Maybe I'm crazy, but out of all the zillions of Tiffany stores, I'm willing to bet we're talking about the same one!

Yep, that's the one! LOL!! I've had one SA there be nice to me in the gold section, once, but that was it. Everyone else has seemed RUDE and as put off as could be. It's such a shame too. I remember feeling like a queen 15 years ago at the Michigan avenue store despite just buying a small silver piece. I was so excited when Tiffany's opened in our home town, just to end up being utterly disappointed. I'm so happy my most recent Tiffany's purchase was in Nashville where their service was top notch and they where sweet as could be.
Wow, I'm a bit curious to know why this particular Tiffany boutique has such horrible customer service? Do they purposely hire SAs with attitude problems or do they pick up this attitude from the other SAs to where like robots they all act the same eventually?

Do they not receive complaints and attempt to remedy this negative reputation that they've built for themselves? :confused1: