Why the Tiffany Bashing?

I think yelp was actually sued by a furniture company in San Francisco. They had great reviews and when they didn't pay for the advertisement or endorsement, yelp went an deleted all their positive reviews. The furniture store said that previously customer were coming based on reviews and then they stopped cause the bad ones showed up. And this was for several businesses. I forgot what was the outcome though?

CS is definitely a gamble with stores. I've had some pretty bad Tiffany store experiences and I think what SK said about the population there definitely affects it. The "old money" stores versus big urban city stores in tourist areas have different feels with them.

The worst was with my most recent LV purchase, I asked what was the exchange or return policy in case I wanted to bring it home and show DF. If he didn't approve I would exchange it. The girl straight up told me "then maybe you shouldn't buy it"... WTF! I was so mad and I actually had to complain and I never do in all other situations. I did keep the purse because DF liked it for me but still just knowing I gave her commission left a bad taste in my mouth. Whereas with some sales people I will let them sell me anything and I'd happily give them my commission and then some!

Yeah, Yelp was extorting money from mainly small businesses in exchange for keeping positive reviews on the site. I don't think they deleted the positive reviews - just buried them below/among the negative so the first thing yelpers would see would be the 1-2 star reviews.
Yeah but look where that mall is. My general consensus of the old money ladue/frontenac people is they are mostly all that way. It's like rudeness is a sign of eliteness. Like you've earned the right, or rather have the birthright, of being rude. I don't know. I'm a SoCo girl, so what do I know. I'm used to people greeting each other at the gas station while getting a morning coffee, picking up a neighbors trashcan that's blown into the street in a wind storm, friendly chat at a cash register, letting the elderly go first, shoveling the snow off your elderly neighboors driveway, etc etc. Moving to west county with all the "keeping up with the Joneses" was a shock for me. It's newer money here, but people are so darn competitive and more standoffish. F them I say. Sometimes I turn my tuner up and blow black smoke out of my diesel truck just for the heck of it when I've been given a weird look for driving a truck in a sea of Mercedes, Lexus, range rovers, etc.. Yep..that's right folks..I'm a hoosier..lol. But I'm one darn happy one. Even so, I love jewelry...expensive jewelry, and occasionally those are Tiffany's pieces. I'll still buy from there, but now it's just going to have to wait for Nashville getaways.
LOL I hope you make sure their windows are open and tops are down.

There definitely is an environment like that around those parts. I wish we would get a 2nd location or they would reopen a Cartier here. Give them a reason to try a little harder for business. The Galleria would be nice. We had a Cartier there by the Fountain but they closed it. The morons.

We're both definitely SOCO. I do think it's funny that people just assume if you aren't WestCo you aren't going to be able to pay for anything. What they don't realize is that half or more of those out West "new money" if you will, are up to their *******s in debt and are just flashing all their "wealth" to look rich, versus actually BEING rich. There's just as much money south as there is west. we just don't all blow it.

Also--email me with news plz.

I think yelp was actually sued by a furniture company in San Francisco. They had great reviews and when they didn't pay for the advertisement or endorsement, yelp went an deleted all their positive reviews. The furniture store said that previously customer were coming based on reviews and then they stopped cause the bad ones showed up. And this was for several businesses. I forgot what was the outcome though?

Yeah, Yelp was extorting money from mainly small businesses in exchange for keeping positive reviews on the site. I don't think they deleted the positive reviews - just buried them below/among the negative so the first thing yelpers would see would be the 1-2 star reviews.
Yea I remember that one. I think it might still be ongoing

The worst was with my most recent LV purchase, I asked what was the exchange or return policy in case I wanted to bring it home and show DF. If he didn't approve I would exchange it. The girl straight up told me "then maybe you shouldn't buy it"... WTF! I was so mad and I actually had to complain and I never do in all other situations. I did keep the purse because DF liked it for me but still just knowing I gave her commission left a bad taste in my mouth. Whereas with some sales people I will let them sell me anything and I'd happily give them my commission and then some!
Yea I get pretty miffed when I get comments like that. When I was looking for my current e-ring and stone I got a LOT of comments about "did your husband give you the OK on this or are you wasting our time". Needless to say, they got no business from me. I had a similar thing when I was buying my car. I was all set to buy a different one elsewhere when he actually had the balls to say "your husband or father probably needs to approve this and co-sign". He got fired for that, because he didn't know who I worked for and that I am related to the owner of that dealership chain. Really stupid. When I found out he got hired at another dealership in town, I made sure I let his management know, throuhg his regional maangement, that he was a sexist douche. He got fired pretty much immediately. Ill keep doing that if I find out where he's employed next.
The worst was with my most recent LV purchase, I asked what was the exchange or return policy in case I wanted to bring it home and show DF. If he didn't approve I would exchange it. The girl straight up told me "then maybe you shouldn't buy it"... WTF! I was so mad and I actually had to complain and I never do in all other situations. I did keep the purse because DF liked it for me but still just knowing I gave her commission left a bad taste in my mouth. Whereas with some sales people I will let them sell me anything and I'd happily give them my commission and then some!

LV SA's don't work on commission. :smile:
Wow, these experiences have been a nightmare for some!

I do know that Tiffanys in Palm Beach gives EXCELLENT service & no one is snubbed walking in. The Palm Beach (Worth Ave) LV boutique is equally nice (& they also have bags NO ONE else has!!!)

I remember walking into LV to purchase the Theda GM with my daughter (who was then 3). We got THE BEST service!!! I remember it was raining, so while waiting for it to stop, we got a tour of the 3 floor boutique, extra LV ribbons for DD's hair, coffee, juice, they let us browse the fashions, try the jewellery on.....we had such fun! Complete night/day from the horrors some are describing
I think my experience at Tiffany is pretty consistent. When I wear my diamond jewelry from Tiff and check out their lower priced items, the service is always superb. When I go in with my silver or pearl items from Tiff and check out higher priced items, the service is so so. I went in to look at the Novo once and the first thing the SA asked me was if I was ready to purchase today? What a question, I haven't even looked at the ring yet...
One time, I decked out with all of my Victoria items when I went to Tiff because DH and I have dinner plans afterwards, the SA was extremely friendly and helpful and although I didn't end up buying anything that day, he offered to clean my jewelry and told me to go straight to him for cleaning services in the future so I'd never have to wait in line at CS.
In the past year, I've seen some common themes. Posts over and over again about people mentioning they walked into a Tiffany store and the sales reps were fawning over their replica rings (thinking they were genuine) and offering free cleanings, discounts on bands, etc. What is up with that?? When I walk into my local Tiffanys, my SA will probably wave hello, but you have to go up to customer service where they inspect your ring and the serial number for a cleaning. I have multiple Tiffany bands and no one has ever offered any sort of volume discount on multiple purchases. Clearly people are making this crap up, or I am going to the wrong store. =)

Hi OP, SA never offered me discounts or anything, but they have often offerred free cleaning as I believe free cleaning applies to all diamond jewelry. However, when I bring in my silver pieces which usually cost about $10 to clean, along with my diamond jewelry, they do always waive the silver cleaning charges as well. This is at SCP. :smile:
I've always received consistently good CS at the Tiffany in San Francisco. Maybe because I march in there like I own the place? LOL.

My sister received poor CS at the Troy, Michigan store about 6 years ago when she went in there to buy a gift for me. She went with her daughter in her stroller and she said the SAs just ignored her. But she's more passive than I am; she stood around and waited for someone to approach her. If someone doesn't ask me if I need help, I hunt them down because it's their job to help me.
I've only been in Tiffany's a hand-full of times in various stores across the country. Purchased a pendant once from the Orlando, FL store and was treated very nicely. Only other purchase was from online and when I sent in a question, I received a personal call from a CS agent who was very helpful and friendly. My question to all of you that have purchased diamond jewelry and such: will Tiffany's ONLY clean Tiffany's jewelry and is it typical to wait in line for this service? Is there really a fee associated with cleaning the jewelry? I'm flabbergasted if any of that is true! I work in a jewelry store where it is routinely asked if a customer would like their jewelry cleaned and we don't ask whether it was purchased in our store. Viewed as Customer Service, nothing more, nothing less. There can be a fee associated with the cleaning if it requires the jewelers to use hand tools or perhaps if it is more time consuming, i.e., SS and needs to be dipped, etc. Just curious.......thanks!
I've only been in Tiffany's a hand-full of times in various stores across the country. Purchased a pendant once from the Orlando, FL store and was treated very nicely. Only other purchase was from online and when I sent in a question, I received a personal call from a CS agent who was very helpful and friendly. My question to all of you that have purchased diamond jewelry and such: will Tiffany's ONLY clean Tiffany's jewelry and is it typical to wait in line for this service? Is there really a fee associated with cleaning the jewelry? I'm flabbergasted if any of that is true! I work in a jewelry store where it is routinely asked if a customer would like their jewelry cleaned and we don't ask whether it was purchased in our store. Viewed as Customer Service, nothing more, nothing less. There can be a fee associated with the cleaning if it requires the jewelers to use hand tools or perhaps if it is more time consuming, i.e., SS and needs to be dipped, etc. Just curious.......thanks!

All the cleaning I am referring to on my prior posts are all Tiffany jewelries only :smile:
Lori, that's how I am anywhere! LOL! I truly think that sometimes this is why I've never received the type of service others complain about. Not necessarily this thread, but lots of experiences I read about around the forums.
Lori, that's how I am anywhere! LOL! I truly think that sometimes this is why I've never received the type of service others complain about. Not necessarily this thread, but lots of experiences I read about around the forums.

Same here. And if I get a whiff of attitude, I waltz right out and don't give them another thought (hello, hermes! I'm talking about you)