How Awful : Brandy Killed Someone By Accident** UPDATE**

Yes, it was an accident, but someone is dead because of her accident.

I don't even think she should get jail time, but something should happen. Especially if the crash happened because she was on her cellphone at the time.
Am I the only one who thinks that she shouldnt get jail time? i mean come on it was an accident.

I think the interesting question is, if the victim were Brandy, and the guilty party a food service worker, might there be those who would feel that jail time was appropriate?

It is almost certain that in such a case, the individual would be very likely to be subjected to jail time, though I would be extremely surprised if anyone in the prosecutor's office would suggest such a thing for Brandy. I will stand by my prediction of a community service sentence.
I finally heard something about this on the radio this morning!!!

They said that Brandy is being "considered" at fault for this accident, but it has not yet been confirmed!

I have already posted a couple of comments about this, whether or not jail time is in question, it is up to the California law to determine.

My whole point is, just b/c someone is famous does NOT entitle them to "special treatment" - I just hope justice is served - some died b/c of of someone else's negligence!!!

....if someone in your family was killed in a car accident, would you think that person deserved jail time? I WOULD!!!!

In an exclusive conversation with the man driving directly behind Brandy at the time of her fateful crash, TMZ has learned that the singer repeatedly blamed herself at the scene of the accident.

"She got upset, talking about how it was all her fault ... she didn't stop, kept saying how she hit the lady," says the witness.

He added, "Brandy walked in front of traffic, crossing the lanes of speeding cars, then she did it again. People were honking at her to get out of the road. She was obviously disoriented and highly upset."

The witness also claims he tried to calm the hysterical singer, and even dished out some legal advice, saying he advised her to stop admitting guilt. He also consoled her by repeatedly saying "It was an accident."

The witness also claims he went over to check on the woman in the Toyota, but couldn't find a pulse.

Brandy was not injured. The driver of the Acura suffered moderate injuries.

Brandy was not arrested and there is no evidence drugs or alcohol were involved.

Police are doing a mechanical investigation of the cars involved in the accident to determine if there was a malfunction.

Brandy's "Moesha" co-star, Lamont Bentley, was killed in January, 2005 when his car plunged off the same freeway. Another "Moesha" co-star, Merlin Santana, was killed by a gunshot wound while sitting in the passenger seat of a car in 2002.
It is unfortuante, but she should have been responsible enough to pay attention to what was going on in front of her while driving down the expressway. THERE IS NO EXCUSE!!!!

I don't know about respecting her privacy in all of this, just b/c someone is FAMOUS doesn't call for shall I say, "special treatment".

I'm sorry, it is very unforuante don't get me wrong, but I could NEVER deal with knowing I was responsible for ENDING SOMEONE ELSES LIFE DUE TO MY NEGLIGENCE!!!!

Wow, I'm shocked it is just coming out now!!!

I agree with you. I've been hit while I was stopped 3 times!! Luckily, my incidents were never as bad as this. But, I wish people would pay more attention while they're driving. I really hate when innocent people suffer because of someone else's careless behavior.