What were your obsessions before LV?

Sweet Valley books were my thing, Sweet Valley Kids, Middle School, High School, University.. MY GAWD! i even taped the tv show! Oh and Babysitter's Club, RL Stine and Nancy Drew books, had to have ALL of them! i was a little bookworm :shame:
I had phases like Sanrio (Mostly Kerropi and Bad Badtz Maru), Polly Pocket, My Littlest Petshop LOL then it turned into gadgets, beepers, cellphones, PDAs.. whatever the latest one was, i had to have it! and i discovered purses, perfume and makeup, i started small, no name bags, CVS makeup, and eventually moved up.. obsessed with coach for a quite a while.. unfortunately ive fallen out of love :sad:
because i fell in love with LV :love: ive been eyeing LV bags for a while and never thought id actually get into it.. until i owned my 1st speedy... :shame:

OMG...I swear I have a lot in common with a lot of you gals!

I was into collecting the Sweet Valley High books and Goosebumps books.

I loved the Polly Pocket, Littlest Pet Shop (they don't make them as nice as they did back then now), Sanrio (Hello Kitty, Keroppi, and the Pig because I love pigs), and Barbies.

I have a BIG collection of Beanie Babies (including a few rare ones) and vintage Attic Treasures...LOL, I think Beanie Babies and Attics were the latest obsession before I got into purses...I was never a handbag gal until I got out of college.
Oh and RL Stine! Goosebumps and then Fear Street! lol

My brother and I loved those as kids! Did you ever read the Goosebumps where you got to determine the story's outcome by choosing "what to do"? A few years ago, I was feeling nostalgic and went looking for some of my old books...only to find out my mom had donated everything :Push:

I was also obsessed with Sailor Moon for awhile. When high school started, I turned to clothes- Ralph Lauren Polo for jackets and Bebe for tops. Then it was nail polish and make up. Then cocktail rings. I also went through a boyshorts phase :shame: From college up to now, it's been all about handbags and LV :yes: