What it takes for you to wake up!

I first turn off my obnoxious alarm at the other end of my apartment, turn on the t.v. and make it as loud as I can bear, stagger back to bed and wait for the cell phone alarm to ring. I usually reset that alarm to get an extra 10-15 minutes of sleep, and my next cell phone had better have more than one alarm. This method usually works and I don't oversleep anymore.
^^Oh, it took me a while to get to that point. I'm just addicted to working out...LOL. It's more vanity than discipline honestly..lol. It's crazy..I can't miss a day--I do 6 days a week and I found that this was the only time I could commit to doing it.
Really, I'm just one of those who can gain weight easily. I have the curvy body that looks great most times but can quickly turn into a blob if I'm not careful...lol. So I'm a stickler for working out. I have to..especially now that I am 38...once I passed 35 that was it. It was either work out more or give up the great foods I love and I'd rather just workout more...lol.

I feel good to just get it out of the way each day (I mostly do Leslie Sansones workouts--Walk At Home). I got bored with my treadmill...lol..Leslies workouts are fun.
If I didn't do it that early I'd never get it done:P. My husband thinks I'm crazy....lol.
Even more disciplined you do it at home!! Wow! I thought you'd get up and go to the gym. I know I'd feel obligated if I had paid a membership. But get up and workout at home that's hardcore! A little bit of you needs to rub off on me ;)
My 2yo daughter's talking/singing/yelling/crying (yes, she does all 4 at once!) blaring from the baby monitor in my room. She's as regular as clockwork -- 6:45am every morning on the dot!

Otherwise I sleep like a log!
Currently, it takes a couple snooze hits on the alarm. I have one of those cd players that gradually wakes you up with the volume increasing. Love it! Once I get up, a diet Coke and hot shower are all I need.

Prior to this, I used to get up at 5am and be at work by 6:30am pronto with barely needing an alarm. Somewhere over the last 15 years that REALLY changed. I'm now much more of a night owl than I used to be. Some of my work requires working late, plus with my hockey game schedule we have weird, late hours for games as well.

My BF has a super ancient clock radio with the worst blaring alarm of all time. He needs that to wake up. When I'm at his place, that alarm about puts me in orbit - arrrgh!!
I have insomnia. Had it for almost 4 years now. (yes, I've tried various meds and they created a zombie!) I usually go two or three days without being able to sleep, then sleep for about 8-10 hours non-stop. I don't even own an alarm clock. lol
DH wakes up naturally at the same time every morning. He's my alarm clock if I ever need to be somewhere early in the AM. If he doesn't get up on his own, my mastiff wakes him promptly at just before 6am EVERY morning. Never fails. He demands his breakfast early in the morning! lol
LOL about our cats waking us up! For me, my alarm that I snooze forever and my husband. When I was growing up and living with my parents, my mom had to wake me up at least three times... I have always been a night owl so mornings are so tough for me...and I just don't have the discipline to change that lifestyle...
I wake myself up gradually... (I've been doing this for about 2 years now)

I set my alarm for 7 am

when it goes off, I set it again for 9 am

when that one goes off I then set it again for 10 am

and when that goes off I set it for 10:30 am


But of course I'm still kinda tired haha

10:30 am?? Wow...Must be nice! I think all of us 4.30am-ers are quite jealous. At 10.30 the majority of my day is already over, lol
It takes an alarm that goes progressively louder and louder for an entire minute before I'll actually open my eyes. And my dad used to have to turn on all the lights and yell at me, military style, before I would even budge.
i use my mobile phone alarm. I set it with time allowd for the 2 or 3 times i know i will press snooze. I have always had trouble sleeping at night, so mornings have never been easy. you dont want to know what time i usually get up if i dont have to go to uni!
When i was living at my parents place, sometimes she would send one of the cats in to get me up, they would walk all over me untill i was annoyed and couldnt sleep. One of the cats there starts meowing around 4am every morning without fail to be let outside, so my mum has to get up to let him out every morning then.