What is your ultimate PET PEEVE???

Impatient drivers. People who just honk because they get angry that they have to wait for the cars in front of them to move. Just shut the hell up and wait! It's not our problems that you might be late or have to get somewhere because you have to drive fast or get impatient.
People who post immature, gross, or stupid statuses on FB because they think it's funny. I like a nice laugh and sometimes that gross humor works, but I see it almost all the time on my FB and it does get highly irritating to the point that I do not go on FB much anymore for that reason. Post something interesting or useful for once...
People who sing, whistle and/or (these often seem to go together) drum their fingers on tabletops/desks at work, in a shopping/order line, or basically, where you are their captive audience.


People that pick their noses.
People that lick their fingers to flip through the pages of a book/magazine, plastic bags, or while handing out papers to make it easier easier for them to handle. I see employees at stores do this A LOT and they think it helps the situation when it doesn't!!! That is SO gross, please do not do that in my presence. It makes me not want to touch it!!!
This is a long one. Are you ready?

- Loud, out of control kids that are trouble makers and basically will destroy the whole house.
- Crying babies/kids.
- Aggressive and mean drivers.
- Constant lane changing drivers that zig zag so they can get to their destination faster.
- People who honk because they are impatient and mad when we are just trying to be safe and following the rules. Do NOT take it out on us just because you want to be an ******* and break the rules. Absolutely drives me insane.
- Trying to find someone in public and not being able to find the person thus making me look like an idiot. Also, trying to find something that you thought you swore you knew where you put, but can't find it.
- People that ramble and talk about the same things non-stop.
- People who quote from sources all the time to be funny when I'm trying to have a serious conversation. My friend does this a lot, it drives me insane.
- Rude people.
- When people in general walk really slow.
- People who drive too slow.
- People that commit awful crimes. What the f*ck is wrong with you?
- Pee on toilet seats. What, are you like 2 years old? Clean up after yourselves.
- When the toilets aren't flushed. Really, how hard is it to flush a toilet?
- Toilet paper rolls aren't facing in the right direction. My dad does this all the time, it's so annoying.
- Guys that are bad boyfriend material when I was single.
- People that lecture me on the decisions I make without asking for their opinions. It's none of your business.
- Obnoxious drunk men.
- Bikers that bike in the middle of the road instead of the bike lane. You don't belong on the middle the road, only cars do so get your asses out of my way. It only happened to me once and it was annoying.
- People who judge my purchases and give me crap how I'm not high class enough to own them. I have some people on here on tPF that's done this to me before, but that's another story whatever. I buy what I like and you buy what you like... you like buying $2k TVs or $300 games, fine, and I like buying other nice stuff so shut your mouth.
- This one is a big one. When I was still in school, other students behind me would kick my chair constantly. Drove me bonkers, I just want to tell them, "Please stop f*cking kicking my chair." And yes with the f word and all. :cursing:
- People that use cuss words all the time.
- People who start singing for no reason or because they're bored. Bf does this all the time, it really does get on my nerves.
- Over religious freaks that push their religion onto you guilt tripping you that if you don't believe, you'll be damned to hell or something of that nature.
- People that call me picky in a negative connotation when I don't like something. Uh, hello? I don't have to like EVERYTHING and I'm sure you don't like everything either so shut the hell up or I'm going to smack you.
- Super cheap people to the point they rather buy something of bad quality or something that breaks easily because they want to save money even though they have more than enough to afford it.
- People who say they will call you, but never do.
- People that ask, "Hey do you know this?" I say, "No... I do not." They reply, "You don't know what ___ is?! Really?!" and making you look like an idiot for not knowing and sometimes belittle you for it. My bf does this a lot, it makes me want to smack him upside in the head.
- Reality TV: competition shows only though.
- Bullies.
- As I mentioned before, but I'll just mention it again to add it to me list lol. People that lick their fingers to flip through the pages of a book/magazine, plastic bags, or while handing out papers to make it easier easier for them to handle. I see employees at stores do this A LOT and they think it helps the situation when it doesn't!!! That is SO gross, please do not do that in my presence. It makes me not want to touch it!!!
- Forgetting what I was going to do or say. My memory sucks!
- Liars.
- People that say Idk instead of I don't know. Drives me nuts! In my opinion it makes it sound like you don't give a crap when you say Idk. Maybe it's the way it looks, it looks so ignorant and inconsiderate.
2) People that think their kids should be the center of attention and everyone should enjoy them. I can't stand kids and there is nothing cute about your brat banging his spoon on the table repeatedly. And no they are not all cute or smart. I am having dinner in an adult restaurant and I would appreciate it if you could have some common courtesy and not allow your kid to make noise. If he is making noise and you can't stop him, take him home. Same deal for movie theaters.

Omg yes. I don't really like children that much and when I'm around them with other adults around, I don't act interested and ecstatic at all and it's uncomfortable because it's like these people expect you to be playful and happy around the kids. Well I am sorry I'm not a children person nor am I very good with kids. I find them annoying.
Another one.

- People who drive really fast in their sports cars that makes that vrooom noise so loud while blasting loud music thinking they are bad@$$. Well, guess what? You are not bad@$$! Instead you are a bad @$$ because you will annoy a lot of people by doing that.
- Super hot weather, dammit.
- Animal abuse and animal abusers. I hope karma gets back at you and bite you in the @$$ hard literally, by animals.
People who never let you finish a sentence.

I get that this conversation is exciting, but the idea is you let me finish before you answer.

Sorry, I'm guilty of that. :shame: I do that because I usually always forget what to say, so sometimes I have to say it once I think it (unfortunately it happens while someone is talking) otherwise I'll forget it. It's really irritating, but for some reason my memory isn't good like that.