Things you would NEVER know about me Game!

Fantastic thread! :tup:

So my turn, here we go, some things you didn't [want to!] know about Frankie.. I've a feeling I'll have loads. <<gulp>>

  • Am a tomboy, but very clumsy, and as such have more scars upon me than any guy I've met.
  • I love my scars! I love others' scars too.
  • Have represented two countries in two sports each, England and New Zealand in swimming and surf-lifesaving ironwoman. Am fiercely competitive, which wasn't always good for me, I'd clobber myself when I failed.
  • I cannot function without coffee. I wake in the night craving coffee!
  • Am living in my third country, and moved to Australia alone the week after I turned 20 for sport; but have never been overseas travelling alone on a 'proper' travelling holiday. This is my biggest regret, I really wish I had.
  • Was bullied physically and mentally throughout school to the point of broken bones and constant depression and suicidal thoughts.
  • In hindsight I had depression throughout my childhood, but only really realised this once older.
  • I love mussels, and will sit down and eat a whole tub, relishing every one of them! I want anchovies on any pizza.
  • Started learning to fly ten years ago but rapidly ran out of money! I can take off great, but getting down again..... :sweatdrop:
  • LOVE Star Trek: The Next Generation. My first tv crush was Wesley Crusher (don't shoot me!).
  • I saw someone eating a cockroach on tv once and just thinking of it for a second makes my stomach churn and start to retch.
  • I scored in the top percentile in the STAT test here for Uni entrance.
  • I was halfway through a Biomed degree with a GPA of 6.6 when worsening depression got to a point where I simply couldn't read a sentence of text, couldn't sleep, and just maintaining the facade at work exhausted me. I used to come home and sleep at five in the afternoon. When studying I used to get my essays kept by lecturers as examples, but with the depression I had no-finish results from my last 3 terms at Uni and haven't bothered going back to see if there's anything worth salvaging now.
  • I'm on meds for the depression and am much better for them, but still have the constant stream of negative thoughts narrating my life. Like me repeating every nasty word ever said to me, and constantly telling myself I'm stupid, useless, etc. Can't make it stop, unless I'm running!
  • I can't stand looking in the mirror. I take very good care of my hair, and next to no care of my face, despite the fact that the face I'll have forever whilst the hair will be gone in a few years! Now I'm wrinkley and hate the mirror even more.
  • I'm terrified of getting fat, yet give me a pack of lollies and I'll inhale them in a single breath!
  • When I started running I couldn't go farther than 5 minutes at once, despite swimming often 6km+ morning sessions. I ran first 10km after 2 months and now crave it.
  • My running is like meditation.
  • I took up dirtbike riding 2 years ago because it scared me, and although I was learning well I ended up having a freak accident and shattering my leg, with it bent in half halfway below my knee, and the bones coming through the skin.
  • I have had three operations, still have one to go, and have a titanium rod down the centre of my right tibia. I had to learn walking and running all over again, but am now running faster and farther than before.
  • I look at the models more than I look at the clothes they're modelling in magazines.
  • I can spell any word instantly that you ask me to. When I spell things I see the word in my head and just read off the letters, even when I've never seen or heard of the word before.
  • I get poems popping into my head out of nowhere, silly ones on whatever I'm thinking of at the time. I used to share these but the last time I did that some egocentric twit thought I was talking about her and slagged me off to all our friends! Now even at home when I say them out loud to the dogs or myself I catch myself, like "who'll take this the wrong way?"
  • I can do Spoonerisms instantly, switching the starting letters or sounds of a phrase around in order so that each word or syllable starts with the previous word or syllable's sound.
  • I'd love to write a book but have no idea what to write about, or whether I'd still have the concentration to finish it!
  • The only books I can concentrate upon since the depression started are Buddhism texts. DH and I will marry in northern Thailand next year in a traditional Buddhist ceremony.
  • I have two tattoos, a Chinese dragon on my ankle and a lotus of my own design upon my neck. I'd love to have a really BIG piece one day.
  • I'm a dork and can't help trying to work out the scientific reasons for things in conversation or in my head.
  • DH and I were boyfriend and girlfriend as children in London. My family moved to NZ when I was 12 and we never heard of or from eachother again until I (living here now) put myself on Friends Reunited in the UK site when it first started. We were in contact daily for a year before he moved out here to live with me.
  • I adore tree climbing, and always wanted (but never got) a treehouse as a kid. I still automatically rate any tree I see as to it's climbability!
  • I swing from obsession to obsession (hello cactus and LV collections!), but am getting better at stopping this all-then-nothing pattern now.
  • I wish I had a sex obsession. I go through phases of thinking about it tons and not being in the mood at all. I've not been in the mood for months. Poor MrFrankie.
  • Am currently learning guitar, and own an acoustic and a Fender Stratocaster HSS.
  • Most of my friends have been boys - I trained with mostly boys, hang out with boys, work in a male-dominted field. I find it hard to trust girls as friends.
  • After smashing my leg I found myself being much stronger as a person, not so terrified of confrontation as I used to be, and thus able to finally stand up to 4 years of bullying at work. I hadn't even worked on that aspect of myself, and because of the strength I gained in that department as well (as with sports training toughness) I'm so glad for that accident.
  • Seeing or hearing of animal or child abuse makes me get so wound up I rant and rage away to myself in my head, thinking of what I'd inflict on those arseholes were I to find them. Depending upon where I am or what I'm doing I have to sometimes completely leave the room to miss the news or skip pages to avoid reading articles I know are in a paper on those subjects, because I know I'll get angry and ranty and won't concentrate or enjoy anything for the next few hours.
  • I have to match clothes peg colours when I'm hanging garments.

Sorry that was long, not many of my things were short type ones! :rolleyes::Push:
Let's see, I proabably can go on for days, but will only put a few.

-I've dislocated my left knee twice and my right one once
-i was verbally abused when I was 3-16 years old
-I have trust issues with everyone
-I hate heights, but didn't when i was younger
-I've been trying to finish school (college) for the past 7 years now, but did switch what I want to do in life
-I'm a total tomboy, I rarely wear dresses, never liked them and never will!
-I didn't carry a purse until I was 20.
-My hair has been every color of the rainbow and my mom started to let my dye it when I was 13.
-I have an obsession with Disneyland, I go at least every other year now that I'm older.
-I get motion sickness very easily, but it wasn't that way when I was younger.
- I'm a lefty.
- I LOVE NBA basketball and have season tickets to my hometown team.
- I have never smoked a cigarette or done drugs in my life.
- I am scared of spiders.
- I wonder all the time if I made different choices in my life (at certain turning
points) how would my life be different?
- I can't stand where I live - too pretentious. I wish more than anything I could
- I wonder if anyone has ever truly 100% unconditionally loved me.
- I was voted Most Musical (voice) in high school.
- I am fascinated by frogs.
- My favorite holiday is the Fourth of July. I am fiercely proud to be an American.
- I miss my Grandfather and Aunt who both died this year more than I ever knew I
- I loathe going to the dentist. It freaks me out!
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ooo i love this thread!!!

~I have a super long hyphanated first name but no middle name
~I can read upside down
~There are no guys on my dad's side, his brother sister and him had nine children and they are all girls
~ I am allergic to fish
~ my hand and feet are always soo cold but for some reason my body is really hot
~I almost choked to death by swallowing a massive mushroom but i drank cherry tylonol and hated the taste and threw up the mushroom all over the ER doctor's floor
~ i love eating hard necterines with salt
~ i hate the taste of mushy fruits and vegetables...they always have to be hard
- If it's nighttime and I'm alone in a lighted room, I have to have all the curtains closed because I imagine terrible things into the dark.
- I don't like the ocean - it terrifies me.
- I love rain and overcast days.
- I don't like Christmas. It's such an superficial holiday, all about the presents and the tree and decorations. All I want to do is spend time with my family without all the fuss and excess and waste.
- As a child, my family used food stamps and shopped at second-hand stores.
- Last year, I let my eating disorder take over my life. No one ever said anything, not even when I became dangerously underweight.
WOW, I am seriously wrought with emotion and have a string of exclammatory curses running through my head....
I am beginning to understand why we all like brands and each other.....

O.k. let me first preface by saying that it was said of me in my past that when I wake up in the morning I am fully make-uped and dressed and the birds are singing above my headboard and that I can't stand the smell of the outdoors.....

1.OK. so I can't stand the smell of the outdoors but I love the CONCEPT of smelling the outdoors so I venture to do it on occasion....
2. I am not Snow White and forrest creatures do not sing around in me in the morning, but I am intrigued by that description and how people could be so wrong.
3. I have never been propositioned to take drugs or have ever taken drugs.
4. On the three occasions that I have had alcohol I abused it and lost all recollection of events and so NEVER drink if I can help it, but do adore butterscotch Snapps and Sangria.
5. My mother was completely nuts (possibly bi-polar, but never had the "up" ) scarred me and my siblings emotionally and every other way and we wished that she were a drunk or druggie so people would understand why she was crazy.
6. I look caucasion, but am NOT.
7. I have the worst ability to learn any language other than English and am happy that I look I caucasion (see 6) at least some of the time.
8. I hate spending money....but you would NEVER know it by my enormous closet and collections of everything ever created.
9. I do not feel like I have a spending problem.
10. My (real life) friends think I have a spending problem.
- I was born in Aberdeen
- My natural hair colour is dark blonde
- I got married to my husband after only 3 months of being together
- I have a dog and a cat
- I really dislike blueberries, i can't even stand the smell of them, when my daughter has a blueberry muffin i have to stand away from her or i will gag so bad!
- My mum is my hero
- I hate eye bogies, the people that have them make me cringe
- I can't sleep without tonnes of cushions and pillows on the bed
- I am really shy when having to speak to an audience but if i am mad then i could shout infront of the world
- I defend my family ferociously
- My daughter is named after my aunty who passed away when i was 19
- I always do my own hair, hairdressers charge way too much and never get it right IMO
- I always have dental work done with no pain relief
- I find spring cleaning to be therapeutic
- I give to charity regularly
- I eat cheese every day, if i don't get my Cathedral mature cheddar in some way then i will not feel fed
- I love the andrenalin rush i get when i work out and really push myself
- I get fed up with people if i am around them too much and will start to get snappy with them
- I am an extremely loyal friend (almost to a fault)
- My brother is the closest thing that i have to a father, i love him a lot (although i have never told him so and would never)
- I like to walk, even if it is pouring it down with rain then i will persevere
- The only chocolates that i will really eat are Thornton's Viennese truffles
- I am allergic to Penicillin, dust mites, pollen and chocolate (although as mentioned above i risk it every now and then for a lovely Thornton's choccy!)
- I am absolutely terrified of wasps, i believe on a phobia scale
- I have travelled to America twice (once to Florida for vacation and once to Nevada for work)
- I love celebrity fashion, i never get too involved with celebrities lives and couldn't care less what (and who) they are doing, i just like to see what they are wearing!