The Great "H"-Expedition at FSH: My virgin experience & 1st Reveal (*w/ lots of pix)

some SA are very snooty
Hi Mia,

Its Liz.. Guess you will be busy packing and unpacking..; it really takes a while to get things settled and stuff -_-;

WOW... i'm impressed with your loot! Now, that I think of it, I should have gone to the jewelry section as well; but i guess i was too occupied with the leather goods... not revealing SOs??? That's so cruel T.T

I'll do my reveal soon, too! Unlike your experience, I didnt have the greatest experience at FSH. I think we ended up getting 4 bags and a bunch of other stuff, cos we were so pissed off regarding the SAs snobbish behavior.. I'll ramble about it when I do my reveal. heheh;; but u certainly have a higher tower of orange boxes!

i'm so jealous~ :graucho:
Eureka !! Finally, I found Mia's H reveals, I was so overwhelmed her reveals on Chanel thread and saw her H boxes as well, can't help but feel excited to see what she hauled in Paris hehehehe ! Fabulous, everything is fab !! Congrats Mia !!

So, it's the end of my little reveal. No Hermes bags for me now, but I'm waiting for my 2 SOs next year! Just in time for my 4th wedding anniversary gift. :graucho: I won't disclose yet what I have chosen for my let's just keep the suspense for the time being. :biggrin:

Before I end this, may I ask you experts another question? It's about belt again! LOL! I wanted to add more holes to my belt, but my SA said that Hermes will only allow to add a maximum of 2 holes at the boutique (so a total of 5 holes) on the belt because if you do more than 5 holes on the belt, it will ruin the beauty and quality of the leather? Anyone has any experiences at their local Hermes stores?

Anyway, thanks for letting me share again! I'll be good and wait for my SOs to come. Meanwhile, I'll just live vivaciously through you gals till my next trip to FSH! (I really prefer just buying from there are not much to choose from our local stores here...:P) Till then! Merci beaucoup!

That's what my SA at my local store told hubby too. Anything more than that, Hermes will sugest getting a smaller belt. It does look a bit strange with a long hanging tail.