Reference: Hermes Pronunciation Guide

Croissant, I would say that "ka-duh-nah" would sound better:smile: , and the "u" in the "duh" part should be pronounced like the "u" in "purse".

Whaaaat's so funny in my "kaka wet":graucho: ??? Mmmmmm???
mmmm.... let's see how to describe this.....

I think it would be better to say "bol-duk".

"D" doesn't sound like a "t", it's just a "d".
I say "u" instead of your "oo", and here is why:
Whereas your idea of the "u" between short and long is right, I would say that the sound of that "u" letter is more like the "u" how you pronouce it in "mute", (but without the i before the u).

It's the very infamous "u", the one that is the hardest sound to produce for an english speaker since it simply doesn't exist in english.

Mmmmm..... so difficult to explain without sounds.
It would be so much better if I could simply record the sound and post it as an attachment. I am not very good at using computers, does anybody know if this would be possible:confused1: ?
Hello, my mother tongue is French and I study literature. So, I hope I can help you out with these phonetical transcriptions.

Her (like air but much shorter, the you form the r by making your tongue roll at the back of your mouth)
mès (like a**hole...SORRY couldn't find anything else)

pi (like pinda)
co (like cola but drop the -w sound)
tin (like a**hole ... sorry couldn't find anything else) n is not pronounced.

Haut à Courroies:
oat (like oat in oatmeal)
a (like how: but lose the h- and the -w and much shorter)
koor (like in food ; you make the r by making your tongue roll against the back of your throat)
wa (there isn't such a sound in English but like water but sharper)
So, [ oat a koor wa ]

fau (the au is proncd. like 'oh my' but without the -w sound)
bourg ( like velours: the g is not pronounced)

Comme des Garçons:
comme (like comma, don't pronounce e)
des (d + ai in air but much shorter)
gar- (like how, lose the h- and the -w, and much shorter)
çons (s + a nasal o ) (don't pronounce the -n or -s)

Bo (like James Bond)
li (like taking the lead)
don't pronounce the -e

cy (like Cindy)
cla (a bit like clamor)
men (as you write it, like the word men, the opposite of women LOL)

If you have any other doubt about the pronunciation of Hermès terms, don't hesitate to ask! I only ask one info back: what is whitebus?
I really haven't ever heard of it!

Many greets and kisses,

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The spelling shouldn't hinder pronunciation, but help, if it's spelled correctly with french accents. This is my big pet peeve. Okay one of them. I'm a language nerd.

For some reason these forum pages try to post when I type the codes to make French accents, so I must type like this, "Herm'es".