Real Housewives of NEW JERSEY (RHoNJ)

GMA has no real stories to report on?
I only caught a morsel of the interview and that portion was abt Joe's possible deportation. As far as the skill level of GMA's producers, I'm not qualified to assess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Like all shows starting their new season, the stars are disbatched to promote.
This morning on GMA was an interview with Teresa - at least I think it was her.
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Maybe I'm imagining it, but I think she looks harried and stressed, probably wondering how she is going to support all those kids. As a not-so-intelligent ex con she doesn't have a lot of options for employment if the Bravo contract goes away. That stress is showing, and Botox and fillers can't hide it. She better do some more yoga.
I didn't remember that Frank was a lawyer and I had not heard about him being disbarred. The whole Delores thing is an odd situation, especially with the kids out of the house.

Thank God! I thought that I was the only one that learned that he was a lawyer. I assumed he did something in construction...that teaches me not to judge a book by its cover.
I didn't remember that Frank was a lawyer and I had not heard about him being disbarred. The whole Delores thing is an odd situation, especially with the kids out of the house.

Thank God! I thought that I was the only one that learned that he was a lawyer. I assumed he did something in construction...that teaches me not to judge a book by its cover.

and while Delores played it off as no big deal except for the fact he lied/didn't tell her about his disbarrment it is a big deal in the legal profession to be disbarred! Delores is as dumb as Tre is.
Well, I can't be certain but I just hope that ChapStick comes in a spray.
Last night on Watch What Happens Live, Andy said the #1 question they'd been getting was abt Teresa's face.
'Have you enhanced your face at all?' "No."
"Um, I do botox."
'Ok. Any fillers in the cheeks?'
"No, no."
'No? looks a little rounder.'
'You look great'
"Thank you"
'The lips?'
"Yeah, a little bit"
'Oh, okay, alright, now you're talking. Alright, Tre!'
"I'm not going to lie, I'll tell you."
'Ok, so the lips but no filler in your cheeks?'
"No. Well, I mean they got fuller bc I'm not eating, I'm drinking tequila..."
'That's not supposed to make....'
"Yeah, the calories! And I'm eating pasta now!"
'Oh. Well, I guess I don't know how that works.'

Teresa really seemed to believe her ludicrous explanations would be accepted by us. And, for some reason I wasn’t insulted. At least no more than when my toddler denied eating candy when I could see his face was covered in chocolate.

So perhaps this interview served as corroboration of Teresa's trial claims of knowing nothing. IMO, the interview served as a measurement of dimness, just like an ophthalmologist's simple eye chart. You can decide for yourself which level of ability she landed on.