Prince Harry and Meghan Markle thread

The whole Nigeria trip was such a cringey spectacle. If I didn’t already know they were there for Ingriftus, I would legitimately have NO IDEA why they were there or the purpose of their visit. The absolute worst was Harry visiting the “wounded” in the hospital, or whatever setup they fabricated. It was truly embarrassing to watch videos and see the photos. Looked totally fake.

I would have assumed it was one big ego stroke for Ghoul. She was front and center for every engagement, basking and soaking in it and Harry was just in the background like a neglected family dog.

This man has a lovely voice. Harry can’t even fake enjoying it?

I don't think she's had that many. And I actually like her turned up nose. It makes a great profile and why does Hollywood insist on tiny baby noses as the goal. That's why no one looks in horror at Janet Jackson and the like. Pinched, indented, lopsided, crooked - no one seems to care as long as it's tiny.

As for their delinquent charity foundation - why do you suppose they missed the filling? Surely they must have accountants handling routine paperwork. The foundation is just a farce, I wonder if the IRS is checking it. Does H have some sort of diplomatic immunity?

Yet they seem happy and carefree in Nigeria. :rolleyes:

I think Janet and Michael had surgery on their noses to make them tiny because their father used to tease them about their noses being so broad when they were kids. Very sad.
Season 4 Wow GIF by Paramount+

She'll need a second private jet to fly her enlarged ego home after that.
I don't think she's had that many. And I actually like her turned up nose. It makes a great profile and why does Hollywood insist on tiny baby noses as the goal. That's why no one looks in horror at Janet Jackson and the like. Pinched, indented, lopsided, crooked - no one seems to care as long as it's tiny.

As for their delinquent charity foundation - why do you suppose they missed the filling? Surely they must have accountants handling routine paperwork. The foundation is just a farce, I wonder if the IRS is checking it. Does H have some sort of diplomatic immunity?

Yet they seem happy and carefree in Nigeria. :rolleyes:
Do they? She isn’t that good an actress he just seems to fake it
Either incompetence or Archewell's annual report is embarrassing (not much money raised, huge administrative expenses, etc.) so they delayed filing it on purpose.
That was my exact thought when I first read the article - that they didn’t release it because it would reveal embarrassing, or even fraudulent activities.

As I recall, they had very meager donations the prior year (many suspected the monies came from Meghan and Harry directly) and I’m guessing this report would likely reveal the same, maybe even worse - fewer or maybe even zero donors for even less money.

Plus it would likely reveal outrageous expenditures on hotels, clothing, security, etc. that Archewell would have a hard time masquerading as legitimate expenses.

Or perhaps the report would show that their funded projects are embarrassingly inconsequential….$5,000 here, $10,000 there. It’s hard to call yourself a foundation when the outfit you wore for the photo shoot to celebrate that charity cost more than your foundation’s actual contribution to that charity.

But I’m trying to figure out how they will worm their way out of it. Maybe try to time the filing and release of the report with some much bigger news to try to bury it, hoping it won’t fetch much attention and will quietly die. Or maybe they will somehow create a narrative about investments in future projects that will offset whatever embarrassing backward looking figures their report will reveal. Or maybe they will actually shut down the foundation, claiming they’re going to focus on ARO, Invictus or whatever else they do (what do they actually do???)? It will be interesting. One thing is for sure, such a delay is quite telling that things are not good at Archewell since we all know that if the report were to reflect anything positive, Meghan would be milking it for all the positive PR she could possibly squeeze out of it.
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The whole Nigeria trip was such a cringey spectacle. If I didn’t already know they were there for Ingriftus, I would legitimately have NO IDEA why they were there or the purpose of their visit. The absolute worst was Harry visiting the “wounded” in the hospital, or whatever setup they fabricated. It was truly embarrassing to watch videos and see the photos. Looked totally fake.I would have assumed it was one big ego stroke for Ghoul. She was front and center for every engagement, basking and soaking in it and
Harry was just in the background like a neglected family dog.

This man has a lovely voice. Harry can’t even fake enjoying it?

Maybe that's how TW will get rid of him in the end, by calling the local pound :sneaky:
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Have they left Nigeria yet? I've had enough of their nonsense!!!
As have most Nigerians I'm sure.

"The karmic hammer needs to come down on these two hard. Especially when they continue to use the media to promote an image of wonderful VIP humanitarians who are deserving of god-like adoration."

Praise The Lord Applause GIF