Prince Harry and Meghan Markle thread

Yes, why didn’t Doria tag along? After all, the 43% Nigerian blood is coming from her. It sure isn’t coming from Thomas Markle. He supplied the “Maltese “ blood
US citizens require a visa from the Nigerian government to enter Nigeria. Maybe Doria couldn't get a visa due to her previous alleged drug use and legal issues.
US citizens require a visa from the Nigerian government to enter Nigeria. Maybe Doria couldn't get a visa due to her previous alleged drug use and legal issues.
And the kids?
The trip was good timing to deflect attention away from the scam jam social media flop.

Golden Globes Reaction GIF
Nigerians are no fools. They’ve got her number.

Wow great video! These Nigerian women are taking Meghan at her word. They explain what it means to be a Nigerian woman and how Meghan is not that. 😳 Meghan should’ve never made this claim. To be Nigerian is not an ethnicity for Pete’s sake, it’s a nationality and culture that is family focused with respect to elders. You don’t cut off your entire families on both sides. You don’t diss your elders. Meghan said something like thank you for welcoming me home to the Nigerians. What kind of cultural appropriation is this?

I think Meghan plagiarized this from the journalist and author Georgina Lawton. The percentage is exactly the same, and Meghan blurted this out during her podcast, but never expanded on it. If Meghan was 43% Nigerian, Doria would be almost full Nigerian, which makes no sense considering her background. Her kids in the line of succession would be part Nigerian. Wouldn’t you bring these family members to Nigeria too? If the Nigerians are taking Meghan at her word, they would be thrilled that the kids are part of that lineage. Something is so off about this.
So, Archewell has failed to file it's annual report and failed to pay its annual registration fees to the State of California. Why am I not surprised.
This also means they can't raise money... lol

The kids? Many possible reasons: fake kids? rental kids aren't allowed out of the country? But most likely, an appearance by the kids would far outshine MEagain in press coverage.
Her biggest lie during the entire trip was when she said she misses them. I bet she didn’t call to check on them the entire time. Those kids are being raised by staff. I hope the nannies genuinely care about them because they need someone in their lives if there is any hope of them growing up to be decent human beings.
I might have to go down the rabbit hole of nose jobs. After so many tweaks, how is it that there is still enough nose left for yet some more work? :confused1:
I don't think she's had that many. And I actually like her turned up nose. It makes a great profile and why does Hollywood insist on tiny baby noses as the goal. That's why no one looks in horror at Janet Jackson and the like. Pinched, indented, lopsided, crooked - no one seems to care as long as it's tiny.

As for their delinquent charity foundation - why do you suppose they missed the filling? Surely they must have accountants handling routine paperwork. The foundation is just a farce, I wonder if the IRS is checking it. Does H have some sort of diplomatic immunity?

Yet they seem happy and carefree in Nigeria. :rolleyes:
Based on my own experience with the various genealogy testing sites, your results can change over the years as they refine their methodologies. Mine sure did. The first time I did the analysis, I got some really odd results. My siblings and I were kind of scratching our heads over it. The results showed me to be roughly 70% of the ethnicity I expected and the other 30% was all over the place lol. Just some really odd results based on what we knew of our family history, though I understand that odd results are exactly what is often revealed by this testing. Origin stories that have been passed down are sometimes false or a cover up or "enhanced", to put it kindly.

I kind of shrugged about it and said, oh well, that's interesting, I'll have to look into these results at some point. A couple years later, I received an email from the site saying they've updated my results from their latest analysis improvements. I went and took a look and sure enough, the results were exactly in line with what my siblings and I had originally expected them to be. All the odd %'s were gone. Poof.

So, that was my long way of saying that MM's belief in her 43% Nigerian ancestry might be based on a faulty analysis from several years ago.
Or an intentionally faulty statement from her giant veneered mouth.