****pour sophie <3 christian louboutin***

aspen thankyou, the yo yo's are gorgeous but a little bit big for me :crybaby: Im going to have to pad them so they fit.
aniski thankyou your too sweet :P yeah I'm trying to have a well rounded collection with things that I will wear i mean in my first collection I had fluro pink slingbacks with PVC and confetti :nuts: and needless to say they really never got worn ha ha so I'm trying to do it right now so your words make me happy cos I must be on the right track :biggrin:
Wow!! What a story!! Those shoes you have are absolutely stunning and that was so sweet of Christian to leave you a message on the machine! Wow! You are one lucky lady :biggrin: I hope I can go to a signing one day, or at least have a pair of shoes signed :smile:
Thanks lorna yeah it's definately a treasure to have a signed pair a huge part of me doesn't want to wear them and then the rest of me wants to wear them everywhere ha ha I'll definately be calling in another pair for the next one ;) and yes Christian is a sweetheart I'd give everything to meet him in person! Next time there is a signing you should definately call in a pair! It's so worth it. X