****pour sophie <3 christian louboutin***

That's all i have for now i really take time with my CL purchases so far it's been around 1 pair per month but i got two pairs a week every 8 weeks is how its worked out :lolots: i hope to be adding more soon, but not for at least 4 weeks ill take moddeling pic's of the declic's and yo yo's later on ;)
So glad to hear you had a happy ending! Congrats! I hope you really do get to meet Msr. CL one day, then you can remind him of this story =)

And what an awesome collection! I love every pair!
Thankyou pr1nc355 i adore my little collection hopefully i will be adding a couple more with in the next 6 weeks :biggrin: and that would be so great to meet him and tell him in person just how happy he made me

a little group shot
Awe thanks R the people at athleates foot say I have dancers feet (probably cos I did ballet jazz tap and Irish dancing for 15 years of my life) and my toes are compleately angled properly lol :biggrin: my feet are definately one of my favourite parts of my body that's why I insist on dressing them well ha ha xx
Canary!! Your collection is gorgeous!
And your story is amazing! I would love to meet him in person. I'm already trying to organise my next holiday and see if it just happens to be the right time and place :smile:

The suede declics are stunning on you! All of them are but those are one of my favourites :P
thankyoy xoxo those were my favourites but they have been bumped back a bit ha ha my gorgeous signed glitters kicked my declics A**!! i love your new AVATAR black patent simples are stunning :love:
stephanie next time i hear of a signing ill be sure to let you know and help you if you need it like some of the wonderful lady's here helped me i really would never of been able to get the signature with out TPF one of the things that makes this forum so wonderful, and my fingers crossed for you as well that he comes to present fall winter, i plan to go to the US for a month within the comming few years and ill be organising the trip around a signing so i CAN meet him

You'd thank him for the call then maybe he'll remember about all this :smile: Thanks :hugs:

All the shoes look amazing on you! I'd get those Declic's 100!!
Hey Canary - love your new additions and the story that went along with it - makes it all the more special I think... glad it turned out for you.
Love your collection - esp the yo yos - they are devine....