****pour sophie <3 christian louboutin***


*<3 Louboutin*
Nov 28, 2009
Ok lady's i know i kept alot of you waiting for this reveal, and here it is...

of course with any great shoe there is alway's a story behind it so i kindly ask that no one makes comment's untill i have finished, so lets start at the beigining shall we??

One day, a few weeks ago i was browsing through the celebs in their louboutin's thread when i saw that NAKED
had posted something about a signing in BH, i immediately PM'd her to find out more, then i headed straight over to the CL chat thread and asked if anyone could reccomend a good SA for boutique horatio MAL got straight onto it and PM'd me the details of her lovely SA and i emailed him straight away and he got back to me straight away :nuts:
he informed me that the signing would be held at hollywood and called the boutique himself to hook me up with a SA over there and thats how i found J,
J and i spoke on the phone quite a few times that week trying to find a pair of shoes i could buy for the signing in the end I settled with nude mini glitter NP's. I didn' feel the excitement i should of and i knew it was cos the shoe's werent the ones i truly wanted so i called the boutique again and cancelled :crybaby: after all there would always be another signing so whats the point in spending nearly 1K on a pair of shoes i didnt really want?? so back on to ebay i go hunting down something silver seen as how i missed the NP's the fabulous NOEGIRL ended up with ... and so i found these...



They filled the void but i knew there would be something else out there for me soon enough.
I quickly forgot about the signing as DF and I had many road trip's planned and we went on a few day trip's. It was the first road trip that we planned on staying over night that something happened that would make me feel so terribly bad.. we went to check into a motel swiping away at DF's Credit Card and declined declined??? what had happened? at first we assumed we had been over charged somewhere so he called the bank, the lady said to us "a purchase for $935.00 has been charged over seas womens shoe boutique christian louboutin" DF hung up quickly and ran to me "IT"S THE SHOES!!" me "what shoes i didnt buy any shoes?" him "the ones from america" OH NO!! what happened i cancelled it i immediately burst into tears we had no back up cards with us we had to go home i felt aweful. that night we got home to a message on the answering machine.. "hi Sophie it's J I'm just here with christian he has signed your shoes ahh to Sophie love Christian louboutin we will process it and send them out to you tomorrow but I have organized a suprise for you.." ... " hello Sophie it's Christian thankyou for calling all the way from Australia to get your shoes signed I hope you can come to a signing one day and we can meet. Congratualations dear love Christian."" my heart sank i was so excited but i still felt so guilty and i felt even worse for being happy about it DF could see that i was struggling with my emotion's and said call the boutique in the morning and see what they have to say. the next morning i called and called no answer.. DF then sat me down and said "sophie if you want to keep the shoe's you can have them for mothers day, i know you have this crazy obsession with louboutin's and it means alot to you" I was stoked but knew i still had to call and find out what happened, the weekend went by saturday then sunday, then monday morning came and i was posting my story over in the BH signing thread i knew chances were id keep the shoes so i figured it was time to tell, and just when i hit post quick reply the courier man came "babe did you buy anything?" DF "no did you?" "only my shoes" but it couldnt be it has only been 3 days ... or could it ? i opened up the package with so much enthusiasm and what do you know..... it wasn't the nude mini glitter NP's it was the ones i originally wanted but they didnt have, J remembered!!
SO thankyou MAL for directing me to your SA :hugs:
And thankyou NAKED for being so willing to help me and responding to my PM :flowers: thankyou CMP for being my shoulder to cry on when i found out the boutique didnt cancell :hugs: and of course thankyou clothingguru i feel like we did the signing holding each others hand we talked styles colors went through ups and downs all through PM and we both got our signing wish come true in the end and most of all thanks to all THE PURSE FORUM MEMBERS for letting me share i love you guys xoxox
WOW Canary, what an amazing story!!!!!!!!!! and so glad that you had such a beautiful ending. You DH is so sweet and how about you got the shoes that you wanted. BTW, they are perfect and the signature looks just right.
He called you and left you a message, CL is such a great guy.
BTW, if you have an iphone, there is application to record. I did that with the song LOVE that he sings and I have it as ringtone on my phone.
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story with us and Happy Mother's Day, you got a great start :heart:
NILLA & SOBE thanks to you both, yes I still can't beleive DF let me keep them :smile: he hates heels as it is and the price of the only ones I generally buy he hates even more ha ha SOBE omg yes I have an iPhone and I should totally make his sweet voice my ringtone! He ha te most beautiful accent ever. Also DF is going to reccord it onto a tape :biggrin: I kinda wish I was there to take the call but then i'm like I have Christian louboutin saying my name to keep forever where is if I had of answered it would only be a memorie ;) a good one though
Amazing story Canary! I am so happy that everything worked out. The shoes are absolutely beautiful! It is fantastic that CL himself called as well, I am jealous! Congrats!
Sophie, you are such a lucky woman that you were called by Msr. Louboutin himself! This is awesome! If I'd were you I'd have had a heart attack! The call is something you will remember your whole life! ;) Mrs. Louboutin was so thoughtful and this makes him nicer than I imagined he is! You should really try to keep this message somehow! I'd gold-frame the cassette :lol: I'd do kind of everything to see him or get a phone call! What happened to you make the shoes more worth because you know he is still down to earth and doesn't think he is to good to leave a woman in a 2000 people city a phone call/message! I'm feeling so happy for you (I really do!!!) :hugs: and imagine you can't stop smiling! :biggrin: Congrats to your shoes! Those glittler NP's are so pretty! Please post MP!