Moving On and Up...But Will Always Be in LVOE

*GASP* I heard you where converting!
What about RAOK?!
We are loosing all our loyal LV lovers!
Luva pug is trying to convert me to Balenciaga:nuts:, And i have seen a few i like but i could never completely turn away from LV!
wow, i wish i had your willpower. if i did i'd probably have sold EVERYTHING except my limited/runway and discontinued pieces... and then maybe move on to Chanel and Hermes... :graucho:

but more power to you! :rochard:
Thanks Sandra....I was going to keep the LE ones...but I just don't use them! I just buy stuff to buy stuff....I love buying's an addiction! So I'll still be buying stuff...just different stuff LOL
Plus now I'm thinking of getting rid of the BV and getting a Hampstead now...see the sickness never leaves!

I don't think we're actually allowed to say on here where we are selling our stuff or anything...nor are we allowed to share our ebay names or anything! Sorry!
TWIGGERS, WHAT!?!?!?!? U were one of the few people here i loved reading their posts!!!! Balanciaga is cool, I like them(I a saw a new design today, IT WAS TO DIE FOR)!
Wow! I guess we should have seen this coming. The signs were all there and yet no one called 911. Sorry Twiggers. A week ago your posts were along the lines of "If you could only keep one LV"...then a "Bag Depression" post followed by tons of WTS threads! Now today "Switching to Bbags" and "Moving on". Shocked. It was like you crashed and burned. Maybe more like the LV sphynx who went down in ashes and came back a Balenciaga! More power to you Twiggers! I enjoy your posts and they will still be one of my favorites in the LV forum...can't say I will be wandering out to Balenciaga to read them though! LV is where it's at for me!
Good for you! It makes complete sense to sell stuff you don't even use anymore, especially since you're "a user not a collector." I hope you can use that money for something special you will love!

I guess you just gotta do you what gotta do, you better keep to your word and still hang out at the LV forum!!

After your posts, I tried to look at Balenciaga bags...but no matter what I still can't get into them. Oh well.

I guess you just gotta do you what gotta do, you better keep to your word and still hang out at the LV forum!!

After your posts, I tried to look at Balenciaga bags...but no matter what I still can't get into them. Oh well.

oh hell yeah or I'm going over and dragging her back kicking and screaming if I have too
LMAO @ Claire & girls crack me up! I am totally gonna be over here...I mean you guys are like family!!! The only gals I know over in balenciaga are the LV girls LOL
And I'm all lost...I have no clue up from down over there! I'm like a little newbie with 12000 posts LOLOL

Designing style: OMG you crack me up! I LOVE it! Yea...this has been building up for awhile now...probably longer than the last couple weeks. It all started when I started selling my pochettes a couple months ago! This wasn't a lighthearted decision though....even my hubby sat me down and asked if I was sure about it!