L Word

I am glad there are only 3 episodes left. The show has gone from fabulous to complete crap. Pairing Shane with Jenny just ruined the entire series for me. Everything that was perfect about Shane went right out the window. They turned Shane into a whipped weakling, following Jenny around like a lost puppy. That is not Shane! The real Shane would tell nutty Jenny to kiss off and would have backed Alice over the stolen story.

It's such a disappointment!

And I cannot wait to see Jenny killed off. It's the only reason I'm even watching at this point.

Did Jenny fall? Was it the faulty railing they mentioned A DOZEN times? Did Bette do it? Did Tina do it? Did they all know when they went to the police station and that's why they were all smiling to each other?

Max didn't have the baby, we'll never know how that turns out. Shane didn't confront Jenny. Tina didn't confront Jenny. We'll never know if they moved to NY and adopted more children. And WTF, Bette will stay home and be a housewife?!

UGH. I'm just so mad! Worse ending than the Sapranos!!
^^^OMG I know - totally left it open to hopefully maybe possibly another season one day or a special? I don't know.... wishful thinking I guess. I was totally looking for closure here... And what about Nikki Stevens in the damn bushes??? I'm going to totally check out on sho.com tomorrow though and see what these extra webisodes are about though!
^^^ditto times a million!!!!! That finale was so....irritating is my chosen word for the hour. A hour ago it was dumb. And my thoughts immediately after...WTF? Supposedly we are supposed to get on Sho.com to watch the interrogation tapes to find out who killed Jenny. Umm I think not! Why couldn't they have just shown that in the dang finale?!
I can't NOT check them out - lmao - cause I'm obsessed like that - but did you hear Leisha also say "if you want to know to burned down Shane's business?" That was like what 3 years ago? Who stole the LEZ girls negs??? I'm confused...
sounds like i made a good decision in not staying up to watch the finale!
i don't know if i have enough energy to watch the webisodes.

did we get any closure on alice/tasha/jamie?