HELP! blue jeans/dye transfer on/from my bbag... Color Transfer Issues

oh well..i have already partially refunded as i am not sure what could be wrong with the bag....=) i feel really bad though..because i can't imagine what it must be like to buy a bag and had the color come off and be sad because it isn't what i expected..
The only bag I can remember NOT having some color transfer onto a soft cloth with conditioner on it, is my 07 Truffle. All the bright bags I have will "give up," a hint of color onto a cloth that is rubbed gingerly on them. Scary, but doesn't seem to lighten the area at all.

I'm thinking that the dark spot may have been a natural characteristic of the leather, that appeared more pronounced when it got moistened.

I doubt that the bag you sold had been re-dyed. JMHO.
thanks conni..
since i don't have the bag in hand and i am no expert on these things, i just decided to partially refund..=) i wouldn't want to make the buyer unhappy and i wasn't about to have to go an resell it again =)
Sorry to hear that! Unfortunately that is a fairly common problem with the lighter colored bags. Check the "Reference Library" section of the forum, under Care and Maintenance, for a lot of details and personal experiences from the forum members. If it were me, I would try some leather cleaner-- people here recommend Apple brand or Lovin My Bags. LMB you have to order online, but I don't know about Apple. I have the Apple brand and I found it in a random leather goods store.
I also have a yellow city that got stained by my jeans and after trolling through the care and maintenance threads, I've tried everything from baby wipes to LMB cleanser and although the stain is not as prominant anymore, it hasn't completely dissappeared! This is even after I treated it with a stain and water protective spray when I first purchased it! :sad:
I just got a new pair of jeans and I wore them when carrying around my Vert D'eau City about a week and a half ago. I found 2 small blue spots on the back of her, can anyone tell me how to get them off? I've had her for about 9 months now and this is the first mark on her!

Do babywipes work, will they take color off the bag? And I know it can get dry afterwords, would lubriderm lotion work instead of applecare?

Thanks everyone :flowers:
:crybaby:Hello ladies! My brand new coral work has two ugly black signs on the back.
I suspect that has been my new R&R dark blue jeans that has stained the bag I was carrying by the handles.
What can I do? I am afraid to discolor the leather...

I just got a new pair of jeans and I wore them when carrying around my Vert D'eau City about a week and a half ago. I found 2 small blue spots on the back of her, can anyone tell me how to get them off? I've had her for about 9 months now and this is the first mark on her!

Do babywipes work, will they take color off the bag? And I know it can get dry afterwords, would lubriderm lotion work instead of applecare?

Thanks everyone :flowers:

^^ sorry that happened girl, hopefully someone here can help...but whatever you do, don't use's made for human skin, not leather bags & i've heard the oils can rot the leather over care conditioner is the safest product i know of & it may help a little...but honestly, i don't think there's much you can do besides re-dying for jeans transfer :sad:
Or have you tried LMB Luxury Plus Cleanser? I've tried it in various marks before and it has helped. It does seem to work better if you've already treated the bag with the Pro Treatment cream. Then most dirt just wipes off... Good Luck!!!
The first time i walked around all day with my Ivory and jeans, i couldn't believe my eyes at the end of the day!!!!! I almost burst out with tears!! The WHOLE surface was covered with the blue-ish color of the jeans!!!! I tried to wipe it out with a cloth but of course didn't work!

So do you never wear jeans when ur carrying a light colored bbag?? What do u do?

PS. i know this is a cleaning question, but how do u get the jean pigment out?? I already ordered apple guard, will the cleanser help?

How awful that this happened to you. I have never had that experience, but the lightest-coloured Bbag I have is Teal. I'm sure I've seen some other threads here about this problem, and hope you can track them down and get advice.
I have had the same problem with my oatmeal hobo...:crybaby: Lesson learned, never use light colored bbags with dark jeans...:sad: I managed to clean the stain with some leather savon, but the whole area became stiff and darker ... I don't think you can do a lot about that...hope someone has some better input?