GST vs Medallion Tote

GST or Medallion - which do you guys think is more popular?

  • Grand Shopping tote?

  • Medallion tote?

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GST gets my vote, as somebody posted about I think it is more bag for the $$$ plus it is both classic and distinct at the same time, vs. IMO the Medallion tote is not all that different from a number of others in terms of shape. But, that is just my opinion re: choosing between the two, both are lovely bags. :yes:
They're just really different bags--one big, one small/medium. It depends on what you need/already have. I've got the Medallion Tote (and love it) and I love the GST too. They're good for different purposes, though.
I have both, and you cannot go wrong with either one. I like the medallion for when I am shopping because it zips all the way shut. My GST has fallen over in the car and other places and all my stuff rolls out that has been in the open pockets. I still love it though!
I prefer the GST. It's more bang for your money like the other girls had stated. I have the medallion tote and it is hard to get in and out of. Which is why my next purchase is a GST :biggrin:
My mother has the Medallion and I have the GST. Both are great, but I think the GST looks great both casual and formal and you can carry quite a bit around with it. In fact, I'm using mine (black) today!