Got my feelings hurt today. = (

Sadly, social etiquette is a rarity these days. I'm all for freedom of speech but some people really don't know how to mind their own business or learn some tact. It's one thing to think privately to oneself "That's a ridiculous amount of money to spend on a bag" but to openly say it to another person's face and make them feel bad about it for no apparent reason other than pure malice (or worse, pure ignorance) is uncalled for. That being said, these situations happen all the time and are not limited to the workplace environment. My advice is to just be the bigger person and don't let it get to you.

I completely agree with this. Manners are quite rare these days and it's not a matter of social or economic class. It's a matter of treating others with dignity and respect.
You work hard and take care of your family. You handled yourself well.
You are the one with class and manners.
The bags are lovely. Enjoy!
:hugs: Sorry you had to hear all that nonsense. You sound very thrifty and responsible, and no one should make you feel bad about rewarding yourself every once in a while. It really does a soul good to celebrate meeting your goals. Take care.
Wow. Just wow. Shame on her! How rude. People should never put their 2 cents in about other peoples financial situation or spending habits unless it's being happy for them. The nerve of some people.

I'm sorry you had to go through this, I feel horrible just hearing about it ❤️
Oh man that was HARSH. :sad: - All I can say to help is let it go, ignore it and pretend it didn't happen. You have to do or it will eat at you.

You have done nothing wrong!!!! You don't need to defend yourself or anything. It is her problem not yours. What she said was out of line and actually not very appropriate. I mean come on, "I can't even look at you right now?" Talk about having a God complex! She is a piece of work!

OR -----> Take it to HR. What she said, was waaaaay out of line. It's none of her business what you spend your money on. At my hubbys work, that kind of talk will get you written up. She needs to take an updated management course and learn how to treat and respect her employees.
She says, " I can't believe a person in your financial situation would waste their money on something like that. I guess you really don't have all of your priorities in order. I can't even look at you right now….."

Actually any person in your financial situation should buy a Louis Vuitton bag (or a good quality bag) for the following reasons…

a) It lasts a lot longer than an ordinary bag so in the long term you save money as you don't have constantly replace cheaper quality bags for new ones (LV bags have a good long term warranty too!)

b) Its an investment - Louis Vuitton bags actually appreciate in value over time. So at worst, if you sell your bag you should pretty much get all of your money back

c) The monogram is a classic style and timeless so won't go out of fashion. Other "seasonal" bags can go out of fashion quick.

d) It brings you happiness which is good for your mental health (and thus good for your physical health), you are better being a mother, partner, employee etc and it will save you health costs in the long term.

e) You bought it preloved so you have already saved quite a bit of money in getting a good quality bag (without having to pay the consistently increasing prices at the LV store).

In sum, you should be the one giving her financial advice and not the other way round! So go out and enjoy your bag (get your moneys worth!) :cool:
I think her comments were valid no offense. When you discuss your finances with someone and ask them for advice especially where to cut corners you just opened the door for criticism and their opinion. If you do not want people to comment on your spending then don't let them in on your financial situation especially when you've asked them for help. If I spent time helping someone with their finances and took the time to sit down and advise them and listened to their situation and tried to help and then they walk in with an expensive designer bag not only would I feel like my time was wasted I would feel that they didn't take anything I've said seriously?
Maybe your AD felt hurt too. Here they are sharing their 'time', and knowledge to help you out with your financial woes and then you show up to work with an LV bag. Even though you were responsible, and made sure your family were taken care of given your financial position, AD only knows of your problems, so I guess they felt like their advice had fallen on deaf ears and that they had wasted their time.

I'm sorry that AD made you feel bad about your purchase. Perhaps now you realise that allowing people you work with to know very intimate details of your finances is not a good idea. There are many people on TPF who don't take their LV's to work becasue of the nasty and passive aggressive comments that their co-workers feel the need to dump on them.

At the end of the day it is nobody's business but yours what you spend your money on, but you cant ask people for financial advice and then wave a luxury purse in their face and expect a pat on the back. That is what TPF is for. So my advise is that you do a seperate reveal and let LV lovers make you feel good about your lovely new bag… and keep work and personal info seperate.
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Maybe your AD felt hurt too. Here they are sharing their 'time', and knowledge to help you out with your financial woes and then you show up to work with an LV bag. Even though you were responsible, and made sure your family were taken care of given your financial position, AD only knows of your problems, so I guess they felt like their advice had fallen on deaf ears and that they had wasted their time.

I'm sorry that AD made you feel bad about your purchase. Perhaps now you realise that allowing people you work with to know very intimate details of your finances is not a good idea. There are many people on TPF who don't take their LV's to work becasue of the nasty and passive aggressive comments that their co-workers feel the need to dump on them.

At the end of the day it is nobody's business but yours what you spend your money on, but you cant ask people for financial advice and then wave a luxury purse in their face and expect a pat on the back. That is what TPF is for. So my advise is that you do a seperate reveal and let LV lovers make you feel good about your lovely new bag… and keep work and personal info seperate.

+1. I might add that a purse is not an investment. They may increase in value new but they rarely increase in value enough that you can sell it used and get more than what you paid for it unless it's some rare Birkin.
I think your coworker’s opinion was mean spirited. Friends don’t express brash comments in public instead they offer suggestions in private. Some people can’t let go when you give them some authority into your life. You have no obligations to take her suggestions. I would reframe from talking about personal matters with her or any coworker. I hope you feel better. You shopped wisely and found a purse that you love. Congrats!
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+1. I might add that a purse is not an investment. They may increase in value new but they rarely increase in value enough that you can sell it used and get more than what you paid for it unless it's some rare Birkin.

Yes but you can pretty much get your money back for it unlike other handbags (or make a profit if you hang on to it long enough).

I think it is a little presumptuous to assume that the OP is not taking the AD's advice seriously. She already stated that all her bills are paid and the advice given to her was how to cut corners and save money (so that she can use the money to buy other things I assume??). We don't know the exact details of this conversation/s.

If anything her advice should have been validated if the OP showed that she had the extra money to spend on this bag.

Yes but I do agree that you should never discuss financial things with anybody. Like borrowing money, even it you do this once, these people will be forever judging your spending behaviours.
Maybe your AD felt hurt too. Here they are sharing their 'time', and knowledge to help you out with your financial woes and then you show up to work with an LV bag. Even though you were responsible, and made sure your family were taken care of given your financial position, AD only knows of your problems, so I guess they felt like their advice had fallen on deaf ears and that they had wasted their time.

I'm sorry that AD made you feel bad about your purchase. Perhaps now you realise that allowing people you work with to know very intimate details of your finances is not a good idea. There are many people on TPF who don't take their LV's to work becasue of the nasty and passive aggressive comments that their co-workers feel the need to dump on them.

At the end of the day it is nobody's business but yours what you spend your money on, but you cant ask people for financial advice and then wave a luxury purse in their face and expect a pat on the back. That is what TPF is for. So my advise is that you do a seperate reveal and let LV lovers make you feel good about your lovely new bag… and keep work and personal info separate.

I think this is good advice. And if I may add, while the delivery was harsh, I believe she did have good intentions. Hurt feelings aside, you do have some nice things, a comfortable income and a colleague who cares enough to give you advice. You can't do much about how others act, but you can manage how you react to it, don't let it spoil your professional relationship.
Oh wow! This is utterly rude and totally inappropriate! Sorry this happened to you. I don't think you need to justify to anyone how you spend your money and why, as far as it is honestly earned. I wouldn't bother about their opinion and wouldn't bother to explain either. Oh well.
I take my LVs a to work and my circle of coworker-friends always make jokes about me being crazy buying this brand blablabla... I join in the jokes saying yeah Iam crazy but I can :P ...

Dont let the others spoil your well deserved trophies! (This is the way I see my LVs hhehehr)
Its always a good thing to NOT get close enough to colleagues or even so-called good friends, regardless of higher or lower levels, to tell them about personal issues like money , relationships & family problems....i hv had some very bad experiences where i used to be very open about my life & lifestyle & before i realized it, verything came hitting back at me & leaving me in shambles ....i learnt well from those lessons & now, NOBODY knows anything about me or my life .... i use only 1 pre-loved LV MONOGRAM RETIRO to work , with some mono SLGS & i dont discuss them with anyone who asks me about them .... i own several LVs ( more than 40 items ) but NOBODY knows about my collection , except those here on TPF.