Good news for tPF - I went shopping!


Mar 16, 1980
As the forum kept growing and growing, I was forced to turn off a couple of features in order to decrease the server load and keep things swift.

In order to reenable features like instant thread view updates, showing of similar threads, etc. I talked to my buddy Rob at our host Jupiter Hosting and ordered a new dedicated database server (I :censor: love you man, thanks for the deal).

Once the 1950 box arrives from Dell in about a week, we'll be running two dedicated machines for this site alone. :graucho:

For those who care:
2 x Dual Core Xeon 3.2 GHz, 4 GB Ram, 2x36 GB SAS 15K RPM (RAID1)

I am really excited.

Here's to future progress, blowing more money on bags and the upcoming millionth post on tPF! :drinks: