When people constantly complain that they are so busy, swamped, don't know how they are going to get everything done. First, stop whining, everyone is busy. And second, maybe you could get everything done if you weren't constantly on Facebook?
I'm afraid that a distant civilization from another galaxy will visit one day. They will find an old computer and access FB. They will realize that we were idiots, shake their heads (or whatever) and leave this planet at once.
FB will be all there is to represent our humanity.
People who post pictures of their food.
People who post constantly about their SOs.
Facebook games.

But unlike a lot of people, I like seeing people's foursquare updates..
^ Guilty, lol :shame:

People who constantly air their dirty laundry all over FB. They just have to let everyone know that their SO is cheating, their baby daddy is a deadbeat, etc. Some of the things I read are cringeworthy.
And recently with the new check in function... Why the hell do I care if you're at home, at school or at some restaurant?! LOL!!

This. I work in medical sales and have colleagues who feel the need to let everyone know which hospital they are currently at. I have suspicions that they are, in actual fact, sitting at home eating pies and pretending to be out on the road. Just call me cynical... :graucho:
hmmmm, I kind if like the new checking in feature! I love seeing where my best girl friends are, and what they are up to. Not one of us live in the same state, so it makes me happy knowing...and its fun.
Oh I got a new one, that stupid numbers game that everyone is playing. I don't really need to know how you feel about another person that I don't even know. Stop flooding my newsfeed!!
^ Guilty, lol :shame:

People who constantly air their dirty laundry all over FB. They just have to let everyone know that their SO is cheating, their baby daddy is a deadbeat, etc. Some of the things I read are cringeworthy.

OMG! So, I was on one of my cousins' FB page recently. He'd posted some picture and this girl commented on it, being flirty in her comments. Me being the nosy woman that I am (hey, I fully admit it!), I clicked on her name and her profile was open. Why did she have an album with some guy in it, and the captions beneath his pictures were exposing him as a deadbeat dad, asking if anyone knew him or had seen him, to know that he's a deadbeat?! I was on the floor! :roflmfao::roflmfao::roflmfao: I seriously had never seen anyone use FB to expose someone that way.
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I have several facebook friends who post albums & albums of their own pictures... it's freaky sometimes...

And recently with the new check in function... Why the hell do I care if you're at home, at school or at some restaurant?! LOL!!

I just blocked 1 of the girl's newsfeed from appearing on my wall because she just posted another 6 pictures of herself and it's driving me nuts... she's not even pretty!
I have several facebook friends who post albums & albums of their own pictures... it's freaky sometimes...

And recently with the new check in function... Why the hell do I care if you're at home, at school or at some restaurant?! LOL!!

I don't post when I am going somewhere, especially vacations. It just seems risky to post that your house is sitting empty. I am set to private but you never know.