Do you put your bag on the floor?

Don't you hate it when the bathroom door doesn't have any hooks? It's really tricky in those cramped spaces trying to pee and hold your bag and then get re-dressed. I have mastered the art but it would look hilarious if someone actually saw me do it!
Don't you hate it when the bathroom door doesn't have any hooks? It's really tricky in those cramped spaces trying to pee and hold your bag and then get re-dressed. I have mastered the art but it would look hilarious if someone actually saw me do it!

:lolots: Oh my goodness, I thought I was the only one that pondered how ridiculous I looked! I HATE it when there are no purse/jacket hooks. I want to cry especially when I bring some of my favorite handbags out. I have not yet mastered the art but darn if I'm trying! :roflmfao:

Now when I know I'm venturing into places with less than purse-friendly bathrooms, I just bring one of my throwarounds. It's still an icky thought though!
No Never the floor yuck.

However, I was at the nail salon their was a woman getting a manicure had her
LV Neverfull PM on the floor:nuts:I looked in horror the nasty yucky floor what if chemicals splashed on her bag the scent of chemicals. I was in shock why would you take your handbag to a nail salon and have it by you while you are getting a manicure. I just looked at the woman in disgust how horrible!

I wanted to yell at her "Get Your handbag off of that floor and out of the shop"! The woman could sense me staring in her direction she looked at me I just shook my head at her! Of course she still didn't get it!
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I never put my bags on the floor, and not even on seats! I think seats are dirty too. I use a purse hanger, the Clipa, and it's always hanging on whatever bag I'm carrying. I'll just hang it when I need to, and it can even be used in the bathroom stall when there is no hook. If I forget to bring it, then the bag goes on my lap, so I'll place a napkin on the seat before I place my bag. I'm anal, I know!
When I was in Mexico City last summer I noticed a really nice invention at many nice restaurants they bring over something like a small coat rack for you to hang your handbag on (also coats or shopping bags). It seems like a really good idea!
Never! I love my bags too much to put them on the dirty floor.

Don't you hate it when the bathroom door doesn't have any hooks? It's really tricky in those cramped spaces trying to pee and hold your bag and then get re-dressed. I have mastered the art but it would look hilarious if someone actually saw me do it!

:lolots: OMG, and here I thought I was the only one!
I refuse to put my bag on the floor!:nuts: I will find a creative solution to the situation if need be. For example, a few weeks ago when my husband and I went to Las Vegas we decided to get a quick bite at a restaurant where we were seated outside. There was no room to put my bag on my chair or on the table and no extra chairs to place my bag on. We purchased some items at a drug/convenience store before going to the restaurant. So I took everything out of the plastic drugstore bag and then wrapped my purse in it and carefully set it on the floor.

I might consider getting one of those bag hangers for the table. I have never seen anyone using them before, but they seem like a good idea. At first I thought it might look a little strange to use one, but probably no stranger then some of the other things I do to protect my bag!
My bag never goes on the floor except in my house and only on carpet. When I'm out it's always either in my lap or on a chair next to me. Sometimes I feel like it looks stupid but I don't care I don't want my bags getting dirty lol. I think most bag fanatics are willing to sacrifice a little embarrassment for their bags :P