Celebs before & after plastic surgery...

I think Robin Wright Penn is the only one who didn't do anything.

Candace Bergin was a natural beauty, but said, in a TV interview I saw that she had to have her eyes done at mid-age because they became too heavy lidded and she was having trouble seeing early in the morning due to puffiness. Then she had a face lift years later... buy that was just maintenance. She was a natural beauty for many, many years.

Anyone else? I can't think of anyone more contemporary that hasn't tweaked something... ?


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HOLY....WHAT THE......What did she do to herself?
do you think if we had as much money as the celerities, would we do the same thing?? sometimes i felt being a celebrity all they could do was to look good...sometimes i do feel i am lucky that my job is not to look good. can't imagine what kind of pressure that it is

^^ no way jose (but i hate pain) :okay: