6 Reveals for the 6th Month - Sorry not Sorry...?

Thanks saw someone on this forum noting that they were all out. however, i'm sure there's always a chance that something may still be available, like how I encountered mine. definitely give it a try if you like it (Like the purple rainbow chain boy bag - rarely shows up but you do still see TPF members score them once in a while)! I am in love with this LBJ - no regrets and know it'll be a timeless classic.
It is stunning and so classic Chanel. LOVES!
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Hey Bibi - means a lot coming from you **pat self on back on shopping spree; momentarily ignore diminishing close space and the soon to be hoarder like condition of closet**
I am so ecstatic on landing that jacket!!! I hope it will turn up from your SA for your mom and good luck. I had a strong feeling it may sell quick but didn't realize the magnitude. I do realize that with this material I would be a bit more careful to ensure I don't snag it, etc. though but figure a classic like this does deserves some TLC.
When I saw tweed bags they are mostly classic ones and rarely reissues. Just so in love with the pattern and color combo that I knew it would look awesome with jeans/simple outfits in Fall/Winter, and in my favorite 225. I like that I can add it as one of my few "low-key" Chanel bags that likely only seasoned Chanel insiders can easily recognize it as a Chanel (Reissue has that understated below the radar classic elegance so well. it makes you do a double take simply because it's beautiful that it stands out - but not because of any logo).
Aww so sweet of you!
Agree on the bag.
I'm very proud of you and happy for you!
I was in Paris this weekend and didn't get anything Chanel! I'm living and enjoying through your haul.
You did excellent!
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Hi Tulip2!!!! Thank you and yes it did end well (for both the SA and I!) :happydance:

June has been quite good, maybe too good, to me. I will try to be good and only indulge in the few items that I had pre-tagged with my SA, for now... We all on this forum contribute to Chanel's growth. It's like we just all take turns! :lol:
So true! :giggle: I'm trying to be a good girl, but it sure is nice to see someone just blow it out! I live vicariously through other tPF'ers like you for the time being. My bank account is saying no-no-no to me right now. :annoyed:
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