CL drama at work...

WTF? :blink: That's highly inappropriate for the work place... :tdown:
I forgot to say earlier. I was wearing my Laponos in a meeting with an EVP at my company, and one of the other women in the room said "Oh your shoes look like stripper shoes!" I couldn't believe it. Not only does she not recognize the difference between CLs and "Pleasers," but making that comment in front of our superiors was so cruel. I know it's just jealousy, but that does not give anyone the right to be rude. I think my shoes are beautiful. If other people want to tromp around in silly-printed rubber rain boots or whatever, so be it. But I'll take my CLs any day. ;)
I forgot to say earlier. I was wearing my Laponos in a meeting with an EVP at my company, and one of the other women in the room said "Oh your shoes look like stripper shoes!" I couldn't believe it. Not only does she not recognize the difference between CLs and "Pleasers," but making that comment in front of our superiors was so cruel. I know it's just jealousy, but that does not give anyone the right to be rude. I think my shoes are beautiful. If other people want to tromp around in silly-printed rubber rain boots or whatever, so be it. But I'll take my CLs any day. ;)

Maybe that's why I've gotten so many compliments from men on my Laponos! Seriously, I've never owned a pair of shoes in my life that I had so many men compliment me on. I wouldn't take her comment personally.
Today I'm at work standing up talking to another co-worker. Someone walks by and looks at my feet and said "ooh I like those, those shoes are gorgeous". Couple of other people came to look at what she was talking about and gave me compliments on the shoes. No one knew that they were CL's. Might I add, they were the same ones I wore Friday with jeans. I wore them with a skirt today, but everybody acted like that was the first time I wore them. Anyway, another co-worker of mine comes out of no where and asks who designed those shoes. I told her Christian Louboutin, and she was like "who?" Then she said "oh that's the guy who paints underneath his shoes red and charges alot of money." She asked me if I paid more than $100 for my shoes. I looked at her strangely and nodded yes. She stood there waiting for me to tell her exactly how much I paid. I started to walk away and she said, I hope they were a gift and that you didn't pay for them. As if I couldn't afford them. I told her I don't need someone to buy me shoes. I can buy whatever shoes at whatever price I want. That's why I have a job to support myself.
The nerve of her.

Out of interest, what style of CLs were you wearing that got all the attention?;)
I forgot to say earlier. I was wearing my Laponos in a meeting with an EVP at my company, and one of the other women in the room said "Oh your shoes look like stripper shoes!" I couldn't believe it. Not only does she not recognize the difference between CLs and "Pleasers," but making that comment in front of our superiors was so cruel. I know it's just jealousy, but that does not give anyone the right to be rude. I think my shoes are beautiful. If other people want to tromp around in silly-printed rubber rain boots or whatever, so be it. But I'll take my CLs any day. ;)
OMG!! I had the same thing happen to me!!!
I was wearing my BEAUTIFUL! Decolletes(black jazz) and I had to run into my diner(family owned) to grab my phone that I forgot earlier. So one of my waitresses(total trash by the way. Hard to find good help these days:yucky:) was like "Look at you wearing your hooker shoes out tonight"!!!! I looked at her & told her to watch what she says to her boss before she takes a job as a hooker &&&&&&&....that I dont think a hooker would wear $600 shoes!
The nerve people have!!! :cursing::cursing:
:wtf: Whaaaaaat?? ...:nogood:

OMG!! I had the same thing happen to me!!!
I was wearing my BEAUTIFUL! Decolletes(black jazz) and I had to run into my diner(family owned) to grab my phone that I forgot earlier. So one of my waitresses(total trash by the way. Hard to find good help these days:yucky:) was like "Look at you wearing your hooker shoes out tonight"!!!! I looked at her & told her to watch what she says to her boss before she takes a job as a hooker &&&&&&&....that I dont think a hooker would wear $600 shoes!
The nerve people have!!! :cursing::cursing:
Wow, some people have no class. I truly think that people who say these things are jealous. However, I do admit that I feel embarassed when people ask me how much my shoes cost. It's just too bad that I have to feel ashamed about how much I spend.
These stories are so amusing! They seem like things that would happen in sitcoms or movies. I can imagine that after the woman with the nice shoes walks away, the camera would zoom in for a close up of the defeated/jealous girl with the tacky comments.

This thread alone makes me excited for my first pair! lol!
OMG!! I had the same thing happen to me!!!
I was wearing my BEAUTIFUL! Decolletes(black jazz) and I had to run into my diner(family owned) to grab my phone that I forgot earlier. So one of my waitresses(total trash by the way. Hard to find good help these days:yucky:) was like "Look at you wearing your hooker shoes out tonight"!!!! I looked at her & told her to watch what she says to her boss before she takes a job as a hooker &&&&&&&....that I dont think a hooker would wear $600 shoes!
The nerve people have!!! :cursing::cursing:

OMG I can't believe that she said this. People are truly stupid sometimes...why in the world would she ever talk this way to anyone...especially her boss of all people?!?!
OMG I can't believe that she said this. People are truly stupid sometimes...why in the world would she ever talk this way to anyone...especially her boss of all people?!?!
People are weird! I got rid of her a few days later anyways. Im a lot younger than most my staff, so they dont always look at me as a boss. Most of them are older than my mother, so they find it weird, but thats when i have to step it up and be mean(which is totally not me) or just fire someone.
Wow, some people have no class. I truly think that people who say these things are jealous. However, I do admit that I feel embarassed when people ask me how much my shoes cost. It's just too bad that I have to feel ashamed about how much I spend.
I feel very uncomfortable when someone asks me also. I just say "alot" and leave it at that.

In regards to Stinas, I got the stripper comment at work. I wore my Iowa Zeppa's and someone said "do you have a night job that we don't know about, because those are some really high shoes." I actually told her that she was just jealous, that she couldn't buy them or walk in them.
It's truly crazy, isn't it????
I love them regardless..
I guess we're all just the classiest hookers in the world! ;)

Hahaha, you know it! If I was a hooker I'd totally wear CLs. I'd be the best dressed hooker walking the streets.

btw, I had a cop who did undercover as a hooker tell me once the way to tell which ones are really hookers and which are UC officers is that the cops have teeth! :nuts: