The Twilly and Hermes Handles

Is it wrong or gauche to use a non-hermès twilly for my bag? I have a bunch of Dior ones that I love more than some of the Hermes ones but I don't know if it'd be considered "tacky"...
I use my Fendi Wrappy on my bags all the time, and I get complements all the time, even from the Hermes SAs in my home store. There is nothing wrong with dressing up your bag the way you like it.
Is it wrong or gauche to use a non-hermès twilly for my bag? I have a bunch of Dior ones that I love more than some of the Hermes ones but I don't know if it'd be considered "tacky"...

Why not! The only thing tacky would be fake Hermès twillies. I got these really cute MCM twillies that I got in Korea that I use all the time with Hermès bags. Some of the door ones are really pretty.