WWYD? Ebay seller selling fake cream

For future reference, if you ever receive a counterfeit item, do not return it to the seller. Last year I received fake Chanel perfume and fake Juicy Couture shorts through ebay.

I returned the perfume for a refund and reported the seller to Ebay. Ebay told me I should not have returned the perfume and to never return any fake merchandise because they do not want the seller reselling it again.

Then when I received the fake Juicy both Ebay and Paypal told me not to return the shorts. I offered to send them directly to Ebay for verification that they were fake and they told me to throw them away or do whatever you want with them as long as you don't sell them. Then Ebay refunded my money. I cut out the tag (so they could not be resold as Juicy again) and dropped them off at Goodwill.

To the OP- I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you. I pray they did not put something dangerous in that package that is going to hurt an innocent baby or mother. What a horrible person to do something like that. It's sickening.