Woman troubles...

Sorry to hear, I know its not fun.
I used to have the same issue nd the doc gave me a script, not sure waht it was (as it was years ago) and i would take one a day and just seemed to numb the cramps. I'd ask your doc if there is anything you can take. I kow for me midol just didnt do a thing.
Perhaps sit in a nice hot bath to relax you. Try going for a body massage that might releive it some.

Megs said:
Ok most of us all have them, the dreaded montly cramps. Do many of you have unbearable ones? I have the kind that keep me from living an ordinary life. I can't do ANYTHING when I have my cramps, it is awful. I do have some medical problems that make this all worse (which I am under Dr supervision for) but what else can I do?!

I am laying in bed with a heating pad and took a perscription IB Profin 800 about 1 hour ago... and NOTHING.

Vlad tries to help, but has no idea what to do-- so he is playing beach v-ball and I am moping around and feeling bad...

Anyone have some great tips??? :shame: :sad:
Selena said:
The only thing that helped me was having a baby. After giving birth I found I hardly get cramps at all anymore. Compared to what they were like before. SO VLAD get to work!! Knock her up! LOL
It sucks though...I dont miss those days. Now i have to watch my 12 year old go thru the bad cramps....poor baby!

Hahahaha! Kind of related story...I tried giving blood recently, and since I have small veins, it's often very hard to give blood because they have to painfully try to find it. On that last try, the person there told me to come back after I've had a child because apparently, your veins get larger. I was likem "Um, sure....I'll go do that right away and when my parents want to kill me for having a child out of wedlock, I'll just blame my desire for wanting to give blood."
So sorry you're feeling sick, Megs! I woke up with the same problem, grr! But since going on BC I have cramps for about 15 min and that's it. I still whined to the bf about it though :angel:

I went on bc initially because my cramps were absolutely unbearable, but before that what had helped a bit was: no caffeine the week before your period (already suggested), taking advil the day before as well as the day of (suggested), exercising regularly (for some reason this helped a lot, especially if I went to the gym every day the week before), and taking enough of something to make me sleep off the pain. I used to take 7-8 advil and get put to sleep by all of those pills. But I decided that the last approach was pretty unhealthy and bc, though it has its side effects, works better for me.

My cramps have gotten much better with age too, I don't know if other people have found that. When I was in hs the pain was so bad that I fainted. Now cramps sans bc would just put me in bed for a morning.
SuLi said:
Hahahaha! Kind of related story...I tried giving blood recently, and since I have small veins, it's often very hard to give blood because they have to painfully try to find it. On that last try, the person there told me to come back after I've had a child because apparently, your veins get larger. I was likem "Um, sure....I'll go do that right away and when my parents want to kill me for having a child out of wedlock, I'll just blame my desire for wanting to give blood."

They have small needles that they use for children, my mom always has a hard time with them because she has the same problem. You can ask for them - um much better than having a child! Yikes! And I guess having children didn't work for my mom...
Hi Megs, Hope you're abit better now.

Try caffine. Caffine really works (medical tests prove it) so a diet coke or something? Also, not so much help now, but next month, for a week before you're due, do not have anything with citric acid, so no juice, no fruit like lemons, limes, oranges etc. The citric acid makes it much worse so you should notice a big difference with none in your system.

I know its really, really difficult as I am in the same boat as you but you should not try to just lie down, you should try & keep busy (easier said than done I know) if you mind is not concentrating on the pain but something else, you'll find that your body relaxes more & obviously this is going to help a great deal.

I hope this really works out for you. I'm always experiementing with new ways to stop the hellish torment so if I come across anything good I'll let you know!
That totally sucks Megs. I used to have really really bad cramps when I was younger but it went away as I got older. I used the heating pad and curled up in fetal position which helped temporarily, but i always find a hot bath quite relaxing (it makes me sleepy), so I tend to sleep the pain away.

I hope you feel better!!!!! :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:
I hear you Megs! I am completely paralyzed for 2 days every month and spend the rest of the month worrying about when those 2 days are going to fall (will I have exams, etc...). I have tried every single kind of medication out there and most of the tips offered in this thread but nothing seems to help! My stomach is in a knot right now because I am expecting my period any day! :cry:
I hope you get around to feeling better soon! :flowers:
I totally have been there Megs...Throw horrible PMS in w/ the cramps and that's me. The PMS got worse after I had kids, but like Envyme said once I went on the pill the cramps lessened a lot. Men don't and will never get it. Feel better soon, honey!
You are preaching to the choir, man. Some months are worse than others but ever since I was a teen, I've had really bad cramps and lower back pain. Not to mention irritability! I used to do heating pads but now I just take bottles and bottles of extra strength pamprin. Someone also told me once to eat lots of protein just before and then carbs during. Or was it the other way around? Let me see if I can find out.....

also, the more exercise I get, the less severe my cramps seem to be.
i uhm don't suffer from cramps. touchwood. no one in my family does
i just suffer from back ache.
if i go out shopping and walk too long, i'll get tired easily cos it'll just be crying for a rest
but i realize the older i get the more i feel it.

my mum says it's cos i don't exercise at all. at it's unhealthy. i dunno isn't it just hormones since it only comes once a month.
so sorry to hear you are not feeling well. i have always been very irregular and they are extremely painful too. laying curled on my stomach with a pillow and warm compresses along with the motrin makes me pretend it helps and helps me to drift off to sleep. i find that as i get older:shame: , they get worse. and ever since being post tubal, that just made it worse all together:mad: . i do hope you start to feel some relief soon:heart: :flowers: .
Hi Megs - sorry you are going through this. I have cramps too but not too bad, and usually happen in the first few hours.

This is not going to help you right away, but in the long run, I've heard that acupuncture and Chinese herbs do help a lot. It may take a few sessions of acupuncture but I've heard great success stories.

I've been getting acupuncture treatment too for infertility. The needles are very very fine and they don't hurt.
Hi Megs,

I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone. Have you tried Evening Primrose Oil? It is made up of essential fatty acids CLA and GLA. In your body GLA is converted to a hormone-like substance called prostaglandin E1 which has anti-inflammatory properties. Also it is thought that some premenstral syndromes are caused by GLA deficiencies. Estrogen is also fat soluble and stored in fat. I am guessing that these fatty acids help to regulate the storage.

I have two teenage daughters and their cycles change mine and they become painful at times. The Evening Primrose helps me quite a bit. Regular flow with less cramping.

Hope this might help:idea:
I can totally relate! People say exercise will help but I don't understand how you are suppose to exercise when you are in unbearable pain! I usually take IB800 and a heating pad and try to get through it.