Which LV purchase did you regret?

batignolles vertical - my first LV. I made a hasty decision and am much more thoughtful w purchases now.
Noe BB - it is such a gorgeous bag, great size & I LOVED it but I just can't handle that much vachetta. I'm too fussy about it. I practically gave it away to fashionphile :crybaby::crybaby:
Not too long ago, I purchased a Mono Trocedaro 27. At first I was all excited for it... I couldn't wait to have a smaller "bum around" bag, and I wanted to wear it like a swing pack...

HOWEVER... It turned out to be waaaaaaaaay to small for a 6'7" guy... and I looked... silly... needless to say, I sold it to my best friend for $60. (He def got it for a steal)

So my question to you is: What LV purchase (if any) did you regret the MOST, and what did you do too fix the problem?

ETA:Selling/buying/trading is NOT permitted on tPF. If you receive any soliciting pm, please forward to one of the mods or admin. Thank you.
I regret my DA Speedy 30 and my Mon Monogram Speedy... I am too much of a neat/clean freak to have a DA bag even though they are SO beautiful and the Mon Monogram bag was something I thought I would love but I worry too much about the silkscreen print coming off and I am not a fan of vachetta...