Workplace What is your occupation?

Sports writer. A fun job that is sexist to the umpteenth degree. Gotta have thick skin to hang with the boys. Also sell some of my creations on the side and do some freelance writing.
^ Wow, really interesting, Miss Virgo! Do you write for a newspaper, magazine, online, or? My fiance would die if I wrote about sports! haha... but yeah, I can imagine that it's a pretty sexist world for a woman, and I bet you have to defend yourself a lot more than the boys do.
I'm a receptionist for an accounting firm, and do some freelance writing on the side. I'm also attempting to start up my own proofreading and editing business, but the going is tough.
how lucky u guys love ur job,
I work in the chemical plant for EHS and QA .
But I think its boring .what can I do ?
quit the job?

the problems are;
who will hire me if i have no other working experience.
I will have no payment ( I am married and have a baby of 10 months)
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