What do you do for a living?

Oh you are in Alberta? I was at Q91 in Drummheller, Alberta that was in .. um 1990/91 Lol the year before I met my husband .. I was on the air there for a couple of years, I did the evening and weekend show, it covered Red Deer to the Northern Montana boarder (50,000 watt am station) Calgary market 910 Q91.

I also worked in Toronto at CFGM CKEY and CJCL .. that was even earlier and I dont think any of those stations are around anymore .. wow each was a powerhouse back in the 70's / 80's amazing how radio changes over a couple of decades.

Cool - I live in Red Deer =)

And BAGLADIE - I'm not so mucg an 'actor' as I am a 'sitter' :smile:
I"m a Member Service Representative aka bank teller! hhaha...when I graduate I plan to either move over to the loans side (or somewhere else) or go into International Finance...but as of now..I give people $$$ (from their own accts of course ;) :P
I am a Toy Designer, and I eventually would love to work for the number 1 or 2 company worldwide (I am actually working for the number 4) but that means the USA, and visa wise so far it´s a no no.....:sad:
Or design funky and trendy accessories, or design for LV !!! yeah ! I need to get on with projects and submit to them but it´s really difficult to get there esp. if you don´t have the luxury genes in your blood.
Any ideas or help is welcome !!!???
I'm in my second last year of Bachelor of Business (Marketing)/Bachelor of Laws. Ultimate career ambition: Marketing/human resources director of Louis Vuitton Australia. But if I don't quite get there - any luxury goods company will do :angel: Anyone out there with contacts please feel free to pm me! :yes:

My parents pay for all my expenses - but I help out their company a lot and don't get paid for it! :smash: I'm hoping to work as a sales associate for LV soon...and will even learn another language if that's what it takes! :true:

~Sigh!!~ We have the same ambitions!! Currently studying fashion marketing and my dream job would also be working at Louis Vuitton.
For a job, I am an invst banker. I dislike the firm, the toxic collegues, the hypocrisy but the $$ is too good. I live to be a loving wife and a devoted mama to my 14 mth old son.
:yucky: There's not much worse, imo, than working w/people that are 'toxic'! I hope you can find a job where the money & people are nice! Score!
For a job, I am an invst banker. I dislike the firm, the toxic collegues, the hypocrisy but the $$ is too good. I live to be a loving wife and a devoted mama to my 14 mth old son.

Ugh, I feel for you. My first job out of college was working at a Swiss investment bank as an assistant to technology bankers. I hated the male bankers, and felt sorry for the one or two female bankers that had to deal with their jock-ular behavior. Whenever the banker I supported was gone, his colleagues would look for excuses to poke around his office. That job literally made me sick (I started having panic attacks because of the stress), but in retrospect, I'm glad I had the experience; teaching is a breeze in comparison.
i worked as a medical technologist until i met my japanese husband who owns a pre-owned shop/pawnshop of designer bags, etc. in japan. now,im into managing our store here while my hub manages his' in tokyo. (this gives me the opportunity to wear any designer bag that i want) great job isnt it? :yahoo:

That's an awesome job alright! :jammin: