What do you do for a living?

All my MJ's are practically brand new. I carry them to work, change into a uniform and store the bag away in my locker for 10 hours a day.....what an injustice to the beautiful bags!
i am in my final year of mechanical engineering, actually meant to be studying right now for my second last lot of exams ever but looking at the tpf is so much more fun! i am really really really scared about going into full time work next year and really don't want to yet, i want to stay a student, and travel the world etc etc soo to fund any bag purchases and also going out on the weekends i have 3 part time jobs at the moment, 2 at different engineering consultancies and 1 at a video shop
I am a medical doctor, specializing in radiology at an university hospital. Finished med school 2.5 years ago.

Hey matchka, what kind of a dancer was you? I did ballet training in the past.
I have been a legal secretary for 20 years now, but last fall I took a job in the Document Center at a mid-size lawfirm in Chgo (more Word Processing than secretarial) -- I work the night/Sat shift (3 nites/week and Saturday days).

My DH is a retired firefighter (after 30 yrs on the job!) and we've been married for nearly 22 yrs (on June 29th!). We have a 15 yr old son and a 20 yr old daughter. Everyone still lives at home, along with my gorgeous 19 month old granddaughter!!
I'm the proud mommy of a 3 1/2 year old and a 15-month old, both little boys. I have a degree in interior design, but you'd never know it by looking at my house....I'd rather spend my money on bags! :roflmfao:
full time undergrad for another month, most likely followed by a slow slow death, or i mean....the pleasant hell that is "unemployed but desperately looking for a job" :-P

:roflmfao::roflmfao: I'm sure you'll be fine. You'll be so super motivated and determined to get a job so that you can finance your MJs right? :graucho:
Great thread!

Very different backgrounds here, that is so cool.
If only the whole world could see that even though everyone's different, we still have one thing in common: Passion. For whatever it is (in our case, one passion is clearly bags!) ;)

Oh and I'm a Graphic Designer, by the way. It's fun, and good money, but nothing I want to do all my life.