What Are You Afraid Of ?

I'm afraid of:

1. Flying (only been on a plane once, and never will again);
2. The dark (I sleep with a light on; not a nightlight, a LIGHT!)
3. Cancer (my mom died of cancer five years ago, and it terrifies me);
4. Not having someone to grow old with.
Horses ! They scare the bejeezus out of me ! They are so large and they can definitely sense my fear the few times I have ridden one. I have this absurd fear of falling off and getting kicked in the head by one of their massive hooves !:shame:
^^ See, this is another example of the completely subjective nature of fear - I can't comprehend being afraid of horses. I'm not trying to make you feel silly - I'm scared of so many stupid things I'd never make fun of anyone for their fears, no matter how I feel about it.

Me, I'm OCD germaphobic, claustrophobic, I'm afraid of heights, crowds, public toilets, spiders......there's probably others, but I can't remember anymore. :shame:
See, this is another example of the completely subjective nature of fear - I can't comprehend being afraid of horses.

english_girl_900 --- Yes, I totally agree that it is a very irrational fear !

I don't like heights, but I don't fear them. I am not crazy about bugs and snakes but they don't terrify me. I have no idea why I feel this way about horses. I thought taking lessons would help but it just made it worse !

It is somewhat embarassing to admit though !
The dark and having no money. I don't mean running out of money so that I can't buy handbags and jewels, I mean running out of money so that I can't pay my electric bill, phone bill, etc etc! I have been at the same job for 7 years and have steady income, so it's unlikely, but who says fear is rational?? : )

I wish you well,
