Food Weird Food/Drink You're Addicted To?

Guacamole. Laughing Cow French Onion cheese wedges. I have a serious addiction to dried onion soup mix. I buy a small container of sour cream and then I mix a whole envelope into it, even though it's supposed to go in 16 oz of sour cream. I use it as veggie dip, chip dip, pita dip, etc. I love it so much! DH thinks I'm weird. :P
Mmmm...boiled peanuts! I think I'll make some when I get home from work. Bought a bushel of green ones this summer and put them up in the freezer. Have yet to boil any~ kind of forgot they were in there!
Also addicted to Kraft french onion dip and Charles Chips. The only place I can find Charles Chips around here is Cracker Barrel and I have to buy them in the tin, which costs around $11, but I can always use the tins.
And I love cream cheese and summer sausage on crackers...hubby says it sounds awful but it's soooo good!
When my brothers and I were younger my Mom would always make us mac n cheese with green apples when her and my Dad were going out. To this day, my brothers and I ALWAYS eat mac n cheese with green apples and everyone thinks it is so strange, but it is seriously good...try it!

I mean apples and cheese so go together :smile: