Very disappointed with Kooba...

LMAO re: the hippos, you crazy Kooba girls.

This is why I have hesitated with any of the newest Koobas though ... besides, I am still collecting some of the oldies that I want.
Thanks for the feedback; I'm glad to know I'm not crazy and others have experienced some of the some issues.

Based on reading other posts in this forum, I think the lambskin is probably just a bad material choice for Kooba bags. Like ViciousBliss, I'm scared of this bag - I'm less careful with a white goatskin bag and that one still looks nearly new!

I truly believe there is a huge difference between a bag that "ages well" and one that looks "old." This Kooba bag is heading towards the latter. Like I said before, thank goodness for Apple and Shining Monkey. I shudder to think what my bag would look like if I hadn't pre-treated it!
I had a Lambskin IF bag that I was petrified of. I guess it's all how it's treated. Like my Jessie states it is lambskin but it's sturdy and pebbly...and dark. So maybe color is more of my problem. I love my Botkier Goatskin bags.