The Last Straw: A Love Story (with pics, of course) *MORE PICS P. 22*

gina_b, :yahoo: That was one of the best reveals
ever. It doesn't get any better than, as someone else
put it, sex & Hermes. :smile: Good luck with everything. :smile:
Thank you for sharing it all with us. :smile: :heart:

p.s. your bag is wonderful as well. :smile:
but I truly enjoyed the love story with you & Jean-Pierre. :smile:



:drool: :drool:

To have both is simply :nuts:

CONGRATS on a rare and magnificent collection! :heart: your Parisian tale :yahoo:
Gia heard herself explain somewhat incoherently that she had just arrived and was delayed herself by traffic, and so, what luck! There was no meeting. And... she became uncomfortably aware that she was babbling.

He, however, didn't bat an eyelash. He offered to walk with her to get some fresh air, seeing as how they both now had the afternoon free (and she looked like she could use a peaceful stroll).

He arranged for the receptionist to have both her bags and his sent to the hotel (she had forgot for a moment that the entire party had been booked into the Georges V), then led her out towards the Seine. Suddenly much recovered, Gia found herself strolling across the Pont des Arts with this man, whom we'll call Jean-Pierre. Because that's what Gia began to think of him as. He was a strange combination of charm and timidity, and the more he talked, the less she thought of him as The Client.

Fast forward:

This was where he brought her that first afternoon.


OMG, my favorite place in Luxembourg Gardens
Oh Gina, it's absolutely gorgeous! I'm so sorry I couldn't make the reveal - DH would have killed me if he woke up and saw me still on computer at 2 am (no secret hiding place like star). But, I did have nice dreams thanks to your storytelling and I can't wait ......for part 2.
OH my!!! What a reveal.....I hung on to every word of your story and was laughing like a loon by my lap-top!
I adore McDreamy, but I'll pick that Ficelle Croc over him any day!!! IT"S AMAZING!!!!
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