The Anna Nicole Smith Thread

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I believe the right decision was made - the poor girl should be buried with her son. If the mother (who loved her so much) appeals this decision and delays her daughter finally resting in peace, it is in no way an act of love.

I agree. The mother has already appealed the decision which shows her selfishness. Also, I know most people don't like this judge because they thought he was over-the-top but I really liked him and I thought he was very sincere.
I just watched the video of the Judge breaking down when he read his verdict and gave his recommendation (that she be buried by her son) I the only one that finds this breakdown simply inappropriate??? I'm not saying its not ok to have emotion..but he's the judge!

this whole thing is so sad and just plain wierd...
I believe the right decision was made...Anna's next closest relative is her daughter, who is being represented by the guardian. She needs to be burried next to her son, next to the person that she loved more than anybody in this world.

I cried yesterday when the judge gave his verdict. I cried right along with him. This whole case is so sad - to have 3 parties batteling over one woman, fighting in court and just being nasty to eachother. Anna didn't deserve that...Sure, she may have had a messy life, but that doesn't matter. She deserved respect and dignity...It's a shame that such a good person was surrounded by people who couldn't get along with eachother...I wouldn't want to live that life :sad:
ANS made her decision before she died when she bought the plot next to Daniel. The case was ridiculous and should've never gone to court! She ALREADY made her own decision by buying the plot in the Bahamas! Just stupid people wanting to get their 15 minutes, including that ridiculous Judge!
i have a totally different take on the judge i think: he came across as a human with feeling....not as a robot making decisions of the law. i loved that he showed his human side. K. Stern just told the court that Anna Nicole wanted him to look into how secure cemetery ground plots were in the Bahamas because she and son Daniel were "afraid of bugs" and their getting into Daniel's coffin -- and one that she might have occupied.

There were no mausoleums available at the Lake View cemetery in Nassau for more than two people, explained Stern, so Anna Nicole directed him to look into ground plots that would hold more people. Stern repeatedly said that Anna Nicole talked about "where we would be buried."


FYI from a professional standpoint, in ground plots (traditional graves) preserve human remains much better than above ground choices (ie. above ground vaults, crypts or mausolems), provided that an outer burial container (in ground vault) is used to house the casket.

Also, her body would not be detiorated so quickly if they would have performed the autopsy and embalmed her within a day or two. They waited too long to embalm her and therefore it is impossible to do a good job embalming.

If human remains are emblamed well and buried in a casket/ vault in ground, you could exhume the remains in fifty years and the corpse would still look very recognizable and perhaps viewable.

Not that you all wanted to hear this but I get passionate about my chosen "profession".
I hope her wishes are carried out and she's buried next to her son. All these crazy people claiming to know her is getting on my nerves, like the one who says she was her best friend(Jackie Hatten)Yet her brother is in jail for stalking Anna and attacking anna's neighbor!
I had a disagreement with someone for awhile, because they said funeral homes didn't embalm people and I said they did.

Ha ha! I win!

(Isn't there such a thing as a Green Funeral? Nate on Six Feet Under wanted that. Part of what it meant for him was that he didn't want to be embalmed. But I looked up a Green Funeral, and it just means that someone wants the means of their funeral to be eco friendly.)
I have never dealt with a "green funeral" but personally, I have noticed that more people are opting for cremation.

I suppose that the alternative container (cardboard) that we use in the majority of cremations is a way to go and if you use clothing that will decay and bury the remains without an outer container then the body will return to dust fairly quickly. Honestly, that is how paupers are already buried.

Yes! You win the argument with your friend. The only exception that I have ever known of is if you have a few locations of he same funeral home and only one or two embalmers that work for the firm, then they may choose to embalm at one particular funeral home and then transfer the remains to the funeral home location that the family has chosen.

But every traditional funeral home has an embalming room.
I agree.

As for an abusive relatinoships with her mother, what do you mean by "she hit Anna?" Did she hit Anna in an act of discipline? Or maybe Anna was being disrespectful to her? Because I don't think that constitutes abuse. And I kind of wonder if the problem between them was more along the lines of what another poster said...that Anna's mother didn't want her going down the road that she did.

While I am saddened by her death, I think it is bad that she said the things she did about her mother. NO one should disrespect their mother that way. And I'm tired of people always alleging abuse to try and justify their attitudes.
Well I am very anti "hitting as an act of discipline" I am afraid that is abuse. I have two kids - almost 20 & almost 22. I have never ever hit either of them, & could not even contemplate doing so. Both of them respect me, neither smoke, drink, do drugs nor sleep around. I have nevere had a minutes bother with either. In my opinion you do not hurt the one you love!

If the estrangement with her mother was because of the mother's wishes for her well being then that is very sad.

As for Anna, may she rest in peace she had such a tragic life, I hope that the right person will get the baby & that is the person who will truly love & do their very best for the child.
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