something interesting i heard today...

It can happen, but I totally agree with what everyone else is saying - it's just a lame excuse for buying a fake. I don't really see how buying a real, but stolen bag is better than buying a fake...

There are stolen bags on the market. A few years back someone broke into the LV boutique in Copenhagen right before Christmas when they had lots of stuff in stock. Lots of stuff was stolen, their entire stockroom was cleared out, all they had left was the bags that was upstairs in the store. All of these bags probably ended up being sold on eBay etc. I'm sure this is not the only time a LV store has been broken into.
when she told me the story, i was completely baffled. when she kept saying, "it's real, but... it's stolen," i became skeptical. as said earlier, no one would willingly buy something stolen, let alone follow some strangers into a room. i don't know. at first, i believed that she had a LV, but when she got into the "stolen off a truck" part, i started to be like, woah. then she said that while her dad was there, he actually SAW people stealing off of a truck. like OMG!
Yeah that's a total lie. This is one thing the people who carry fakes try to tell people about their bags. And yeah, I agree with anyone could possibly be proud of saying "oh yeah it's stolen" (whether it is or not) is beyond me. "Led them to an upstairs room" is just another way of saying "led them into a back room on Canal St. to buy fakes."

HAHAHAHAHA! Hilarious, Rebecca!

And I've noticed that a lot of people who sell fakes use some sort of story like this, it was stolen goods from Neiman or LV just to justify the prices. Insane. I would not buy stolen goods, I don't care if it's 99% off.
I don't know which is worse- buying something you know is stolen (i.e. "hot goods") or buying something you know is a fake/counterfeit.. But they're both bad! I would think that LV and other high-end boutiques would have incredibly tight security and would somehow realize if an entire truck of merchandise went missing..
The sad part, is her dad was okay w/ purchasing known stolen goods (as per your friend's story). And of course, the dad telling her daughter how he was able to get a good deal...

All in the name of possibly saving a buck or two. How sad...