Sean Combs - Diddy

I am with you. It is hard to understand unless you are in that situation.
So happy you survived and thrived:hugs:

Shame is a bit component. The victims feel foolish being in that situation. Nope, those predators know who to leech onto.
And they are not azzholes 24/7, it is a cycle. And some of them are nice and generous to everybody but their victims.
In my family case, the man was revered. His funeral was so well attended, so many came and told the family what a wonderful man he was, how he helped them and on and on. In his home, he was a terror.
Thank you. Shocking in your family case but sadly happens too often.

I don't know anything about this lady Cassie but I hope she gets justice.
Sad to say, but there is also sometimes a $$ component to this. I was listening to a podcast about that Nickelodeon thing recently. They were talking about how some of those kids' parents moved them to LA to be in the industry, and it was their kid's dream to be in the industry and how they quit their jobs and their whole livelihood was based on their children's career so it might be why some of them looked the other way when things went on. I thought this must be true. I am in this group where a book reviewer comes around and tells you about new books. One of the books was a novel but it was based on the life of Brooke Shields and how her mother got her into the industry and managed her career. It was set in the 70's and things were different then. She often did things that were not in her daughter's best interest to make a $. It made me realize how this stuff happens. It's not usually one sellout event but several small events that lead to it.
blue lagoon comes to mind. to this day if that movie comes up I silently cringe for Brooke. I never watched that movie and never will and I’m of the age that I could have easily watched it way back in the day. And then there was Pretty Baby where she was only 11 and I think played a prostitute. Hollyweird is sick sick ppl and this is supposed to be for our entertainment back in the day.
That video was on autoplay on my Twitter feed. I don't know how he can deny it anymore. What I don't get is that someone took money to look the other way. Actually, wait. I'm looking at it from the perspective that peole can be bought off. They can. What also plays a factor is that people don't want to get involved when it's intimate partner domestic abuse. That's where we fail victims.
The legislature in California passed a law that became effective this year to extend the stautue of limitations for past sexual assaults. People who are survivors of sexual assault who were barred by the 3 year limit have a much longer time to file, as long as up to ten years and/or up to 40 years of age if it happened when you were a child, etc.

I want to correct my post because Cassie took advantage of New York’s much more generous change to the statute of limitations. New York spearheaded this change for sexual assault survivors when their legislature generously expanded their statute of limitations in 2019. Before the limit was if the assault occurred to someone under 18 one had to file suit by the age of 23. Now one can wait until they are 55 years old. Thank you New York.

As to why they stay, I will recount one story from a case I worked on. I was prosecuting a young family man for a felony after he beat his young wife that left visible injuries. She called police who witnessed visible injuries on her and took pictures and filed a police report. She asked to speak to me outside of court with her 10 year old son and begged me to drop the charges against her husband, who was in custody. I explained that the facts around her case trigger an automatic prosecution. She then got aggressive with me, stated screaming at me and said, “Who is going to feed my son, You?!!” At that moment, I understood that I was the enemy, not her husband who beats her.
I want to correct my post because Cassie took advantage of New York’s much more generous change to the statute of limitations. New York spearheaded this change for sexual assault survivors when their legislature generously expanded their statute of limitations in 2019. Before the limit was if the assault occurred to someone under 18 one had to file suit by the age of 23. Now one can wait until they are 55 years old. Thank you New York.

As to why they stay, I will recount one story from a case I worked on. I was prosecuting a young family man for a felony after he beat his young wife that left visible injuries. She called police who witnessed visible injuries on her and took pictures and filed a police report. She asked to speak to me outside of court with her 10 year old son and begged me to drop the charges against her husband, who was in custody. I explained that the facts around her case trigger an automatic prosecution. She then got aggressive with me, stated screaming at me and said, “Who is going to feed my son, You?!!” At that moment, I understood that I was the enemy, not her husband who beats her.
Wow @haute okole thank you very much for sharing this with us! Your experience and generosity never go unnoticed! ❣️

On the NY/Metro news outlets this was front page yesterday and the video was on every TV station. One station panned in on what appeared to be pleadings from this matter for a split second and I was able to read the first sentence of one paragraph. It stated that Cassie waited until SC fell asleep to leave the room, and that's when you see him on video storming that hotel corridor in a towel. It implied (or outright stated, I can't recall) that she was trying to get away from him.

There are successful women on this forum/at large who cannot fathom the notion of what the day in/day out must be like for women who are dependent on the evil monsters of our society. May they never know..
As to why they stay, I will recount one story from a case I worked on. I was prosecuting a young family man for a felony after he beat his young wife that left visible injuries. She called police who witnessed visible injuries on her and took pictures and filed a police report. She asked to speak to me outside of court with her 10 year old son and begged me to drop the charges against her husband, who was in custody. I explained that the facts around her case trigger an automatic prosecution. She then got aggressive with me, stated screaming at me and said, “Who is going to feed my son, You?!!” At that moment, I understood that I was the enemy, not her husband who beats her.
This reminded me of a situation from back in the 90s when a coworker of mine witnessed a man hitting his girlfriend in the parking lot where we worked. My coworker went up to them and tried to defuse the situation and help the woman and the man punched him! To make matters worse, the woman he had been trying to help starts screaming at my friend to mind his own business. Some women like volatile relationships and confuse violence for passion. It’s frustrating when women are their own worst enemy.
Those of us who work in the field of domestic violence know that the most dangerous time for survivors is when they are attempting to leave the relationship. The abuser ramps up the violence in an attempt to maintain control and many women lose their lives at this time. Desperate men feel they have nothing to lose because if she leaves, they have nothing else to lose. It is truly a sick, sick existence.

The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office condemned Sean “Diddy” Combs’ shocking surveillance video, in which the music mogul is seen assaulting ex Cassie Ventura — but is unable to file charges.

The office of district attorney George Gascón explained in a lengthy statement released via Instagram Friday why their hands are tied due to the statute of limitations.

“We are aware of the video that has been circulating online allegedly depicting Sean Combs assaulting a young woman in Los Angeles,” the statement began.

“We find the images extremely disturbing and difficult to watch.”