Sean Combs - Diddy

I still don't understand why she couldn't leave when she was away from him, not as here, when she walked out on him. Someone explain please.

Also, superficial comment - was he wearing little colourful striped socks?

Relationships where there is domestic violence are very complicated. Embarrassment, shame, low self esteem, fear, love, etc can keep someone from leaving.
My God that video was so hard to watch. And now it makes soo much sense. Back when they were together I was like, why is she still with him. Wasting her time…it all makes sense now. I wonder why he finally allowed her to leave. I wish her much healing and applaud her for bringing this POS behemoth down. I’m sure it was NOT easy.
Perhaps she had help - a family member, friend, etc. to help her finally break free of him. At least she did get out and take it public. It's heartbreaking to watch that video and know she was trying to leave at that time :sad:
Perhaps she had help - a family member, friend, etc. to help her finally break free of him. At least she did get out and take it public. It's heartbreaking to watch that video and know she was trying to leave at that time :sad:
I don’t want to watch the video again bc it’s heartbreaking but I swore she only had one shoe on. I could be wrong.
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I still don't understand why she couldn't leave when she was away from him, not as here, when she walked out on him. Someone explain please.

Also, superficial comment - was he wearing little colourful striped socks?

It takes victims of DV an average of 7 attempts to leave, the fear of violence/death keep them in the relationship. Not to mention the power he had over her with his level of wealth. I’d imagine that he had a team dedicated to watch her guised as security for her. Whose real purpose is to watch/tail her and report back to him. Not to mention the shame one feels in this situation is only magnified by the fact that both of them are publicly known. Having to go through this publicly is a whole new level of hell for her.
Plus, he most likely threatened to hurt her family.
It is amazing in these days and age that some people insist on victim blaming, even with a video.
I had a family member involved in domestic violence in the 1960 thru 1980 and evidently some things have not changed.
In my family member case, she had no education, was raising children and her husband was a verified killer(army vet), it went as far as him beating her in the street and somehow she was blamed as she provoked him according to police who was his military school buddies.
It was worst when he drank.
Her priest told her to stick with it and her lawyer told her that he had the law on his side and to think of her children and his reputation.
Do people realize how many femiticides occur every year?
Fear is a heck of a motivator.
Plus, he most likely threatened to hurt her family.
It is amazing in these days and age that some people insist on victim blaming, even with a video.
I had a family member involved in domestic violence in the 1960 thru 1980 and evidently some things have not changed.
In my family member case, she had no education, was raising children and her husband was a verified killer(army vet), it went as far as him beating her in the street and somehow she was blamed as she provoked him according to police who was his military school buddies.
It was worst when he drank.
Her priest told her to stick with it and her lawyer told her that he had the law on his side and to think of her children and his reputation.
Do people realize how many femiticides occur every year?
Fear is a heck of a motivator.
I had my parents say that to me. I resent them so much. I just wish people could be more empathetic or just zip it if they don't understand.
Relationships where there is domestic violence are very complicated. Embarrassment, shame, low self esteem, fear, love, etc can keep someone from leaving.
Sad to say, but there is also sometimes a $$ component to this. I was listening to a podcast about that Nickelodeon thing recently. They were talking about how some of those kids' parents moved them to LA to be in the industry, and it was their kid's dream to be in the industry and how they quit their jobs and their whole livelihood was based on their children's career so it might be why some of them looked the other way when things went on. I thought this must be true. I am in this group where a book reviewer comes around and tells you about new books. One of the books was a novel but it was based on the life of Brooke Shields and how her mother got her into the industry and managed her career. It was set in the 70's and things were different then. She often did things that were not in her daughter's best interest to make a $. It made me realize how this stuff happens. It's not usually one sellout event but several small events that lead to it.
I still don't understand why she couldn't leave when she was away from him, not as here, when she walked out on him. Someone explain please.

Also, superficial comment - was he wearing little colourful striped socks?
In cases where the woman loves the man she makes excuses to herself for the horrible mistreatment, he was drunk, for example. I doubt he was always beating her and for awhile maybe the good times outweighed the bad for her. By the time it got really bad fear had set in and her self-worth was shot.
I still don't understand why she couldn't leave when she was away from him, not as here, when she walked out on him. Someone explain please.

Also, superficial comment - was he wearing little colourful striped socks?

I have seen people ask this of women in abusive relationships - how they go to work,run errands,etc and have the opportunity to leave but still go back home. most of the time they had no money of their own to be able to take care of themselves let alone kids if they had them. and they either did not want their family to know or their family would not believe them so they had no place to go.
I had my parents say that to me. I resent them so much. I just wish people could be more empathetic or just zip it if they don't understand.
I am with you. It is hard to understand unless you are in that situation.
So happy you survived and thrived:hugs:
I have seen people ask this of women in abusive relationships - how they go to work,run errands,etc and have the opportunity to leave but still go back home. most of the time they had no money of their own to be able to take care of themselves let alone kids if they had them. and they either did not want their family to know or their family would not believe them so they had no place to go.

Shame is a bit component. The victims feel foolish being in that situation. Nope, those predators know who to leech onto.
And they are not azzholes 24/7, it is a cycle. And some of them are nice and generous to everybody but their victims.
In my family case, the man was revered. His funeral was so well attended, so many came and told the family what a wonderful man he was, how he helped them and on and on. In his home, he was a terror.