Scarf problem........I think............

......I can babysit some (ahem, as many as you like) for you...

So, I've been a little bit on a scarf binge these last few months and I'm beginning to think I've got here.

I, in no way, can justify reaching into the triple digits in scarf ownership simply because I just can't wear them all in one year so before things get totally out of hand, what do those of you with some sense of restraint DO?!?!?!?!

Do you restrict yourselves to buying only ONE fantastic design each season? Do you collect certain designers? Do you buy certain colors? Do you collect only vintage Horse themes? Scarves with flowers? Gardens? Farm animals? Are there other people out there like me with absolutely no self-control???????


..........(sigh)..........not even a triple olive martini is helping tonight..........:s
^^^ I wonder how many of us are on the list over there at NC? They should give tPF a bulk discount or something.

Toonie, beautiful scarf. Somehow reminds me of a scarf from a few years ago "birth of an idea".
Have to admit I have been on a scarf binge (by my standards) lately. Since Christmas have bought the plisee Mexican...(don't remember the correct name I ashamed to say) with red ground (it is in the new collection), a Tohu Bohu with a black ground, and a really fabulous Les Feria de Sevilla (didn't spell that right either) and a vert anis tohu twilly and a black Brides de Gala twilly. Does the vermillion twilly that came with the Garden Party bag count also? I have seen another Kachinas on eBay that is seriously catching my eye. I have two of those already. I must join S'Mom's 12 step group!
:P Oh Shopmom LOL! I feel soooooooo much better after reading this thread! I am **right there**, made it to the triple digits, then doubled that, all in waaay too short a space of time, and only have managed to slow way down when I started collecting H bags. I have no advice. I need advice too.

Except, why stop if it makes you happy? You can always sell the ones you stop liking, someone will always want them.
Yes, it's true, perhaps I'm pretty far gone. Will it go this far with bags? :nuts:

Some of my rationalizations (feel free to add your own, everyone, I'm sure there are some new ones I could use!!)

:yes: It's as if you have dozens and dozens of drop dead unique breathtaking gorgeous new shirts! As you can wear the scarves in so many different ways so that it's the reference up on top, and hardly any of your actual shirt shows anyway!

:yes:Where ever will you find just that exact shade of (insert color here) again? You need that scarf! It's the only thing that will match (insert jacket, pant, skirt, etc.).

:yes: What is more chic than Hermes silk around your neck, waist, bag, etc.???

:yes: The ever present (for me) "theme" approach: Example: My Dad was an aeronautical pioneer - so, any flight themes - OK! Or kids, pets, family members, horses, oceans, boats, gardens, flowers, year a scarf was issued corresponds with a special event (a reach, yes, but will work in a pinch), etc. You all know, I'm sure.:graucho: :graucho:

I am now worked up into a frenzy and am going to my index to see what's missing!!!!
^^^ I wonder how many of us are on the list over there at NC? They should give tPF a bulk discount or something.

Toonie, beautiful scarf. Somehow reminds me of a scarf from a few years ago "birth of an idea".

No kidding! They are just too "helpful" for our own goods!

I loved the "Naissance d'une idée" scarf! Have it in red and black..wanted it in Black and white

Champs de Courses reminds me of Poret's scarves with the sketches...
jasperella - our store has lots of Jungle Love in the new colourways!....we need to go shopping, girl!

I have absolutely NO restraint when it comes to scarves....for some reason, I can justify ANY scarf's terrible, but they're resaleable (is that a word?) I figure I can always offload some....

I just went and counted them....I have a lot......I feel a litte ill....let's just say I have several Birkins' the standard fee, not including the bloody Rencontre's and the Japonaise sur fond noir etc that would go for more....

uuuuugggghhhh........may hit eBay and sell a few.....
Some of my rationalizations (feel free to add your own, everyone, I'm sure there are some new ones I could use!!)

:yes: There's something about the smell of H scarves that is not present in any other silk...just like their bags. Everytime I open a scarf's heaven...
:yes: That little horse, flower, seal, dolphin, peacock, word or whatever in the pattern makes me feel better, happy, reminiscent or whatever when I see it.
Oh do!...they're a terrible addiction...

For me, scarves are worse than bags, a lot worse. I limit myself to 3-4 bags a year easily, and most years don't even make the quota. But scarves, sigh. I wish I lived in Europe where women wear scarves all the time and I don't have to feel so guilty about my "little problem". I mean most women in this country admit freely to being addicted to shoes and most men accept it as a fact. Most of my friends buy 10-15 pairs of shoes a year and they don't feel like they overspent at all. A pair of designer shoes are quite comparable to H scarves in prices.