Rude much!?


Loving Couture
May 26, 2007
Im a student and i work in a shoe boutique in Montreal, and every day there is at least 1 person who comes to the store with an LV bag,sometimes we start talking about bags which can get fun....but this week,well i got a bit upset.

There was 2 women who came into the store,she tried loads of shoes and bought one pair, and she was carrying a pochette gange & a mono wallet.At the cash register, i said

-Cute bag, with a smile.
(her)-Oh thank you!
(me)-I was just at the LV store this lunch time,i see soo many LVs in one day hahaha..
(her)-Well for you its expensive.


Just because im younger and i actually work,does that make me too poor to buy a LV bag?
I wanted to say HEY! I got 3 LV bags that I could afford thank you very much! And i buy my shoes at Chanel!!....but well it would have gotten me fired maybe... but still....
I felt soo bad, why the lack of respect?
Is it just me or i thought it was rude...:confused1:
Kudos to you for being better than I might have been. I hate reading about how rude people can be.

"oh, excuse me, I need a tissue"... pull out your Alma... booyah!
I think it's very rude. People should never assume things because you will never know. I used to work in retail and I was surprised at how a lot of my co-workers who were students as well, come from moneyed families. Not really important but just goes to show, you always never know. That's why it's so funny when they talk to customers about bags and customers think or act that they know it all and salespeople can never afford it.
Montreal, so can i explain it in French ? ;) I don't find the equivalents words in English.. ^^

I think there's a rule about posts having to be in English.

Loving Couture, I'm so sorry! I never understood people who give rude responses to compliments. Unless she thought you were being sarcastic or something, she's just a major b!tch.
that is really really, really i am sorry that happened to you, but glad you didnt say anything to her she is not worth getting fired over!!

i know and you know and anyone who knows anything about money knows that you dont need to make lot of money to have good things and a lot of money. you just need to spend less than you make, simple as that. and if she is too pompous and stupid to know that well shes just sh:heart:t.