retail isn't very nice

This is absolutely ridiculous! I can certainly see why you are upset.
It seems to me like someone has a bit of a racket going on here and you are the latest victim. "Bloody well better have been"??? Is she having a laugh? Please tell me the name of her shop and I will order her so many pizzas to be delivered she can feed all the gypsies in the area!!

I know it is all a bit much to take in at one time. I remember when I got my first flat that was all mine own and I was so happy and proud. I moved all of my stuff in and the first night I was lying in bed listening to the neighbours shouting obscenities at each other with heavy metal music blaring through the wall. The romance goes quickly doesn't it?

Don't let this get you down. She might just be one of those people. Maybe her business is not doing too well and she is upset by all of your attention. Who knows why? There is simply no excuse for behaving like a teenager on a council estate. I think the panic button is great and make sure everyone knows you have it. Also, it might be worth telling the police about the gypsies visiting your shop because that is extortion and is soooo illegal!

And another thing, no Starbucks for this chickie. Screw her!! You might be neighbours, but you sell different things so there should be no conflicts if you just avoid each other. Make nice nice with everyone else though and you might find everyone hates her! It is all so immature, but you know people can be so unfriendly.
Don't cry about this for another second. "Tomorrow is another day" and "you reap what you sow" and "what comes around, goes around"...Sorry, that is all my cliches at once!
Thank you again for that. My friend said she is going to o in an try on lots and lots of shoes then walk out leaving her in a real mess. I won;t be getting her a starbucks but have already made friends with the girls next door at the hairdressers which is nice i also know the men at the designer mens shop.
Maybe its because i came in the other day in a little skirt and i have offened her that what my mom said, she is jealous and she then told me to cover up its cold! how very motherly of her.

Might wear my new bikini tomorrow if that the case. i will make sure i am nice to everyone else. She has made an enemy of me i am not saying she should be scared but it not a nic ething to be an enemy of anyone espically when you have made me cry. No more tears for the SSB though i do that cry like a baby then get angry that she is so mean!!
Right washing to get otu the machine and pack lunches to make!!
i get the internet at the shop next week. why does it take so long???

Congrats that you have opened. You are your own boss,well done. Don't waste your energy thinking about a gypsy or silly neighbour. Take plenty of time to rest in the evenings. I would be friendly with the shoe shop lady though....just because it would be good for business.(you don't have to mean it..a casual smile or a wave here or there). If someone is buying shoes and says that they are going into your shop you don't want her to say,that the clothes are poor quality,expensive etc etc. Be Happy.The hardest part is over:heart:
Evie - what a horrible experience! Ignore the gypsies and just say no firmly if they come back.
Re the woman next door, doesn't sound like she's a supportive co-retailer. Perhaps she's jealous of your shop, worried it will affect hers, who knows?
I'd try & be pleasant for the sake of neighbourliness but I wouldn't let her worry you. Unfortunately you're the new girl on the block, so they're going to be seeing what you're made of.
Keep your head up and when you're not so tired & stressed out, you'll laugh this off.
Hi Evie, hope today was better and you didn't have any more unpleasant experiences. You've been given lots of good advice and comfort on here so I hope that will help.
Nice idea about your friend going into her shop, but you'll have to be careful she never sees you both together!
Good luck and don't let these two bad experiences get you down.:hugs:
Aw, sounds like you had a terrible experience, not what you wanted at all when you've only just opened! That neighbour of yours sounds awful, Im with you on the 'no starbucks' Im afraid... I dont even think that what you said could possibly be taken as offensive... 'get lost' in that way is just a figure of speech isnt it?!

I hope things are looking up for you now, keep your head up and stay strong! :tup:
well ladies today was **** too sorry for the language. she said something to me this morning i didn't quite her her but it wasn't nice she was snaring like a dog. i turned to her with all my might (i am a real scardy cat) and said Sue i am not scared of you if you have nothing nice to say shut your mouth. She said something else but i didn't hear her
well ladies today was **** too sorry for the language. she said something to me this morning i didn't quite her her but it wasn't nice she was snaring like a dog. i turned to her with all my might (i am a real scardy cat) and said Sue i am not scared of you if you have nothing nice to say shut your mouth. She said something else but i didn't hear her

She sounds like a nasty piece of work and best avoided. i can't be doing with people who i feel i need to tread on eggshells around and if she's flipped because of that one comment you made, then she's not worth bothering with. i would just blank her from now on- or just keep smiling sweetly and pretend to be deaf!!! keep your chin up!:yes:
She sounds like a real piece of work. Ignore her and continue to charm the other neighbors. I'm sure that you aren't the only one to have problems with her.

Congrats on opening the store. Best of luck to you!
I am thinking very Oprah like thoughts right now. Oprah says that when you find yourself in a difficult situation, you should say, "Thank you God." It is a karmic lesson that has been placed in your path, that you need to work through. You will just be stronger at the end of all this -- and retail requires a tough personality. So this lady is toughening you up! You can still be compassionate and a great friendly retailer, but tough too when you need to be!

The fact is: You "pressed" this lady's buttons, as the saying goes. First of all, she doesn't sound mentally healthy at all. But second, you cheerfulness, youth, happiness -- just press her buttons.

All you can do is carry on. Learn to let certain things just slide of your back. Repeat this: "she cannot hurt me." And it's true!
And another thing! Her business is going to fold. You don't have to wish any evil on her, she is her own worst enemy. It is impossible to have a successful retail business with a bad personality. You know that's true. I imagine she is a mess because her business is a mess. Everything is connected.
I have heard that her buisness isn't doing very well also i am the new chick on the block and i think she is used to being that only one around.
Also thanks u for all your advice and i am proud to say she doesn't bother me at all now. Her husband said hello to me yesturday he prob knows what a nightmare she is.