Real Housewives of BEVERLY HILLS {RHoBH}

Still very far behind this conversation but at least I’m onto the first episode of this season. Lisa Rinna seems to have even more swagger and seems to have relaxed into a unprecedented kind of OG status. Such a shame. By consolidating her place on the show she’s the perfect example of ‘ends justifying means’. And her ‘means’ are so gross I get a dirty G-string wedgie just looking at her on my TV screen.
Kathy’s behavior isn’t so odd to me.. maybe she’s just older than she’d like to present. It’s a mix of cluelessness and content to watch the action from a short distance away. She reminds me a little of my father, who is turning 80 next week.
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Back in the day, the Hilton partied HARD all year long, on all continents. I find Kathy and her bullsheet story laughable.
KH was a true coke whore.
I saw Garcelle at a restaurant on Robertson many years ago. Very pretty woman with an ugly personality. So rude of her to talk smack about someone’s child. I’m sure she would not like it one bit if someone told her that her sons were acting like fools. No class. Plus, when she was speaking at some award ceremony and saying some of the housewives were her friends and some, not so much. That was unnecessary. She is chasing the drama just as much as Rinna.
The Hilton children are trash.
I don’t know Garcelle and she might be a cow but she told no lies there.
Back in the day, the Hilton partied HARD all year long, on all continents. I find Kathy and her bullsheet story laughable.
KH was a true coke whore.

The Hilton children are trash.
I don’t know Garcelle and she might be a cow but she told no lies there.
Lol! Coke hoes have feelings too! You are not lying, I have read House of Hilton.
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Back in the day, the Hilton partied HARD all year long, on all continents. I find Kathy and her bullsheet story laughable.
KH was a true coke whore.

The Hilton children are trash.
I don’t know Garcelle and she might be a cow but she told no lies there.
Welllll, in KH’s defense she is old enough to be a CW.
That was the drug of choice for many back in the day. Even the wealthy. They hid it so discreetly in their jeweled $$$ tiny cases. Or maybe I just watched Cruel Intentions one too many times. Hahaha
I’m two episodes in now and have gotten to the illustrious ‘that girl’ speech. Tbh the whole episode was kind of heavy I felt a bit emotionally drained by the end. Makes a change from plate smashing and puppy gate guess.
Garcelle has really stepped up her fashion and makeup looks this season. She looks fabulous and I am here for it. Just beautiful.

I was surprised about banishing Kyle from Instagram over the charity non payment, and also questioning whether the public outing of non payment as racially charged.

Admittedly I am not from the US and I find tipping culture excruciating and objectionable for all parties - I have to believe Garcelle’s word about the prevalence of racist assumptions regarding poor tipping or being a person who skips out on accounts.
but…. Surely a charity payment, once pledged, should be sorted out very quickly?? Wouldn’t it be normal to follow up after a couple of weeks if you knew you needed to pay a bill but was missing the expected invoice?
Embarrassing to be called out in public admittedly - but hm. This group has had their money problems splashed all over the media so wasn’t sure why a non payment should have been off limits.
Still, it was an interesting conversation, and I thought Kyle handled it with grace.

Garcelle remains my hope this season for a honesty and connection and warmth. Sutton is also these things, but is nervy and jumpy as h*ll. Sutton hasn’t the strength to stand strong for anyone not even herself. I hope she finds her feet.
Garcelle has the strength and I love her integrity. She may carry this season.

Crystal is interesting. I am trying to
keep an open mind. She seems to possess a brisk confidence in her own social capabilities and charisma - after all why not? She married very well indeed and has Kathy Hilton in her corner too.
I guess she is serving the bravo masters / bringing the drama / with her private interview put downs and airs.
So I had to laugh when it turned out she had worked in a brothel in her youth. Wow. Brave to admit that and still hold yourself superior. Is the sex industry a titillating novelty for the Uber rich?

Sutton looks like she is going to be eaten alive by Crystal and Erica this season, poor Sutton. She wasn’t doing herself any favours this episode that’s for sure. Why oh why Sutton?? Get it together. I can see by the promos you are going to be toast. I tend to want to back the underdog.

It was a little surreal hearing Crystal discuss her families racial struggles in the US knowing brother is a pop star and she is one of the richest people on the planet.
Again the conversation is reflective of the current mood in the US. But my appetite for the Big Themes in this episode was kind of exhausted by then and still we went on.
It was terrible to hear that her dad was verbally abused on racist grounds. Having been a victim of a random public attack myself - punched and knocked unconscious - the unexpectedness of an assault is disorienting but hey Crystal I’m thinking maybe it could have been even worse? It appears she and her family has actually won in the game of life. My thought go to the impoverished snd marginalised. But they are not telling these stories. Crystal intends herself to be a proxy and that’s fine and good.

To me she has a deeply competitive air, smooth and serene on the surface and struggling like hell for gritted teeth perfection underneath. The discussion with Kathy Hilton about the daily jalapeño chilli breakfast. The concern about being underdressed. She is a more than a little intense and certainly increases the ‘edge’ in the group. She will put them all on notice. Perhaps she has a desire for dominance? I would love to see her a match for the great power player Erica. However I suspect she only plays games she thinks she can win, so perhaps weaker targets will be her pick. Let’s see. I hope she surprises me.

Hopefully my now improved personal understanding of the social issues facing America’s Melting Pot can make the world a better place.

Thank God Erica was wearing that fabulous yellow diamond necklace, to lighten the mood. Delicious for a variety of reasons. At the end of the day, I watch real housewives for the fashion.
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^^ Crystal is one of the "richest people on the planet" ??
ETA according to Google she and her husband are worth 16 mill
Yeah sorry if that came out as hyperbole - the genuinely richest ppl on the planet don’t do reality tv. But she is in the super elite though, and I was speaking broadly. Hubby comes with a hefty calling card!