Problems with photos?


Incorrigible Bagaholic
Jun 6, 2014
Is anyone else having problems with photos loading really slowly? Both ones that I'm posting and the existing photos in threads I'm searching are taking forever to load.
Do you have an example of images not loading well?
If I scroll through a current thread the text in the post will show but the photo space is just white screen, then after a period of time the photo will start to load from top to bottom in chunks.
I was having the same problems yesterday (photos taking forever to load and the 404 Error message), but I haven't had any issues today.
Can you tell me a specific thread where you see this happening?
It's happening in all of them (if you want a specific thread the Bal AT thread would be one of them). And while you wait for the photos to load there's a red line at the top of screen moving rapidly from left to right. In some cases, if I click on a thread instead of going to the last unread (or to the new post indicated in the email I've received) it rapidly starts to scroll through posts to get where it should be.

Also, I tried to reply to a post and when I did, it showed the OP's post but didn't link to their avatar. Start at post #92, one of the other posters after me had the same problem.