Prince Harry and Meghan Markle thread

At this point my eyerolls are giving me headaches.

That is just sad...

I wonder if that was what happened during the video when she pulled open her shirt collar to expose her ... well, her clavicles, I suppose. Did she do it for the camera? I think it was during the same event, but not at this particular competition.
Maybe H and TW will try, under the table, to get some $$$ from Onyema for using them? Or $$$ disguised as an Arsewell donation presented by a third party, like murky Misan?

The Douchess was dubbed a Nigerian Princess in a hotel restaurant, which seemed tacky, but on second thought it could have been worse. It could have been inside an Air Peace airplane hangar.

Think of the places she’s been featured since leaving the RF. A Marriott hotel conference room, a Hertz Car Rental Desk foyer, a street fair in LA bowing to commands in her ear from Ellen, traipsing through the popcorn machine lobby in Jamaica, headed for the cheap seats, held up to deserved ridicule for planting herself on a red carpet, strolling empty parking lots, buying any excuse to attend an award show where there might be a microphone available to grab.

Has anyone read an account of how many “rebrands” there have been in six years? They will futilely keep trying because they don’t acknowledge we know, a snake can shed its skin, but it’s still the same snake underneath, soon to repeat the process.
Maybe they were paid to do it before they ever got there and it was part of the trip plan.

When you list all the first class venues she was featured at, I am so impressed. She is truly a Z list celeb. The Herz lobby really nailed it.
How does one get the text messages from another person’s phone unless at least one person is complicit to copy them. I tend to side eye things like this.
I suspect many are fabricated since I'm told that there are apps which can simulate screens of text messages.

But some may well be true since there would be spies in both camps. If old history, then it could be from people who switch camps. I think there was evidence of payments from some slip of the tongue comments in NYP when a paid sugar made some remarks, but I do believe that many sugars are simply very invested in Lolo's tales of victimhood and superwoman-hood. If nothing else, Lolo has a bright future as a cult leader like Jim Jones. But unlike Jim Jones, if any of her sugars actually physically attack the BRF or the UK, I have no doubt that she will collapse to the floor crying that she had no idea what was going on. Her silence on their bad behaviour is soooo complicit, and also reeks of plausible deniability. The Harkles and her sugars are destined to be a classic case of cognitive dissonance.
Headline is a bit misleading, obviously it was that old trip in search of the ancestors she never had.

What's that called when you misleadingly wear traditional costume of another culture...cultural appropriation? *gasp*


At this point my eyerolls are giving me headaches.

Awkward Cringe GIF by CBS

She actually gets giddy with excitement at the thought of the cameras firmly placed on her, watching her every move.
The way she's pouting so hard too, showing off those fresh lip fillers :roflmfao:
That’s hilarious. I had forgotten about many of those. She really loves announcing projects. It’s the pesky work to complete them where she falls down.
If she wasn't willing to put in the effort to master calligraphy or acting both of which she was doing for years, she won't be willing to learn the ropes of anything else. She really likes riding on someone else's coat tails for instant success, and thought she had won the jackpot with Hazzi.

I don't think even failure will get her to change. My office narc failed for 5 years straight and never once took responsibility for all the work he skived. He had the advantage of being able to quit because he was so "unappreciated", then go off to find another company to con. Lolo has to find a new patsy to replace Hazzi. I do have to commend her on securing Lemonada to replace Spotify, and courting Paramount to replace Netflix. If she put in an equivalent amount of effort to realize those fancy hot air promises, she could be raking in a decent amount of money.