Prince Harry and Meghan Markle thread

Headline is a bit misleading, obviously it was that old trip in search of the ancestors she never had.

What's that called when you misleadingly wear traditional costume of another culture...cultural appropriation? *gasp*

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Scandalous Media, a great YouTuber does an analysis of the Malta vacation scam. The link jumps right to Malta, but I recommend watching the whole video, her content is really good.

Headline is a bit misleading, obviously it was that old trip in search of the ancestors she never had.

What's that called when you misleadingly wear traditional costume of another culture...cultural appropriation? *gasp*

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Notice the focus of the quote? "Before I came, people were telling me, "When you go to Malta, everyone will look like you". The only person saying that was Lolo herself. She is so self-obsessed that everyone in Malta will look like her, everyone in Nigeria will see her in themselves, and Invisibet will see her mother in herself. There must be a fancy word to describe this mental condition.
I can't tell you how many times I've seen celebrities spot the camera and turn it on. Taylor Swift, anyone?

Yes, it's the actress in her. The celebrity. Not something a royal would do.
It's the BAD actress in her. Credible actresses/celebrities fake it well. Lolo - the camera loves catching her doing OTT expressions or hamming it up.
Notice the focus of the quote? "Before I came, people were telling me, "When you go to Malta, everyone will look like you". The only person saying that was Lolo herself. She is so self-obsessed that everyone in Malta will look like her, everyone in Nigeria will see her in themselves, and Invisibet will see her mother in herself. There must be a fancy word to describe this mental condition.

I visited Malta many years ago. I thought the people looked Mediterranean. She would fit in with dark hair and brown eyes, but that’s true of many countries in the world. Including Asia lol! I love how she flipped it. It would have been more accurate to say she will look like them.
Notice the focus of the quote? "Before I came, people were telling me, "When you go to Malta, everyone will look like you". The only person saying that was Lolo herself. She is so self-obsessed that everyone in Malta will look like her, everyone in Nigeria will see her in themselves, and Invisibet will see her mother in herself. There must be a fancy word to describe this mental condition.
Yep. It's called narcissism.
I wish Gordon could get his hands on MeMe.

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This would be a dream.

Add to it Jeff Lewis coming to remodel her home. I’d pay money to witness it!

flipping out jeff lewis GIF by Bravo TV